I have an extractor fan running permanently in the bathroom
If I switch it off I get condensation on windows throughout the house (bungalow)
If I leave it on the windows stay dry
It must keep the air moving, it's the type than increases speed when I have a shower
Could get a temp/humidity meter and place in the bathroom, better than running a fan all day and night
Some years ago a friend of mine had a home office in an extension at the back of his house. It suffered from mould, so I fitted him one of those humidity sensitive fans of the kind you can get for bathrooms. It was OK for a few months and then one day when I was round there I noticed there was a sheet of plastic taped over the grille. Then the mould returned in due course. It was a modern building with cavity walls with insulation board between the two skins, and a flat roof filled with rockwool.
Could get a temp/humidity meter and place in the bathroom, better than running a fan all day and night
It runs very slowly until it detects moisture then it speeds up, when showering etc
Been running seven years as I know of, bearings a bit noisy now but only hear it in bathroom
I checked the electrikery usage via smart meter and it showed a little above none
It runs very slowly until it detects moisture then it speeds up, when showering etc
Been running seven years as I know of, bearings a bit noisy now but only hear it in bathroom
I checked the electrikery usage via smart meter and it showed a little above none
that sounds clever!
dont know anything about smart meters, but I bet they arent very accurate at low amps when the also need to measure 100amps or more
that sounds clever!
dont know anything about smart meters, but I bet they arent very accurate at low amps when the also need to measure 100amps or more

Smart meter will show cost of energy plus usage, at the moment I'm using 183 watts as the slow cooker and radio are on (plus fan of course) :)
Total cost so far taday including standing charge is 0.72p
Afternoon folks:).

Bit of a non day here, the temps are getting colder at night and today have no sun to warm the building, so to help the feel good factor I have just lit the fire:). Not turned the heating on just leave the doors open and let the warm air circulate:). Dont need a warm bathroom as no water in the taps to shower with:(. But at least we are warm and stinky together:p:D. How can you wish for rain and sun:confused:. Nighttime rain would be good:).
Plan to go into big town tomorrow and get some supplies, probably some grub too:). Got to go and look at a place that seems to sell gasket material so I can take the intake off the Beast to fix the leak:).

Over the hump now for the workers:).

Been spending (too much) time trying to figure out how to measure up for the noo worktop.
You'd think I'd just be able to measure off the old one but oh no, that would be too easy.
For a kick off I had to cut it in half to take it out, but also when I worked to fit it with ex s-i-l we kept getting it wrong in the corners, as the angles aren't 90 degs, (obvs) we measured up and marked the cuts on the back as we'd be cutting through the back to make less of a mess of the laminate top surface. EDIT, there is also a cut out in one corner around some trunking and nothing is straight or at right angles there either.
Somehow we managed to reverse, or forget to reverse, the angles so the front became the back and vice versa. We made a little bit of a mess of it but nothing that wasn't hidden by the tiles. So I could sort of use the old one as a template for the two ends, but that isn't like me, I try not to bodge.
So I have a combination of walls that are bowed (including into the corners), a 15mm gas pipe in one corner which obvs gets in the way, angles that are either obtuse or acute, only one pair of arms and hands and W who begrudges ever ysecond I ask her to "hold that end of the tape just here".:rolleyes:
So nothing abnormal!
But I now know why ex s-i-l always makes a plywood template or set of before cutting out a worktop. Mind you he works with very expensive materials. ;)
The last worktops we had fitted by the pros, they complimented me on how straight, level and flush I had fitted the units then proceeded to cut the hole for the sink a bit wrong. So I had great fun fitting the fecking thing as it abutted the dishwasher. :rolleyes:
The previous ones were granite in Frogland. I warned the guy who came to measure up that the angles weren't 90 degs, he didn't make a template, he put all measurements into a laptop and off he went. I worried about it until I made him come up again and reminded him of the problem. He fiddled about a bit and fecked off. When they came to fit them, they again complimented me on dah de dah de dah and then had to break it to me that they had cut one wrong. The one where I had warned them about the angle. They had cut it at 90 degs. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
They ended up having to make a small cut where it abutted the range cooker to get it in and yes, tiling covered the rest of it.
So when W bleats on about "We should get a man in." I explode and remind her what happened when we did.:mad::mad:
It is also very tight as all the white goods and a unit is in.
So I think I am going to have to make some templates.
Feck, more work. And of course I don't have any of that fancy laser measuring gear that pros use nowadays.
Does me nut in.

I know, I'll use the old worktop to make templates that fit properly!!
Why the feck didn't I think of that before?
Talking to you lot makes me think straight!
Thanks guys, you've been a huge help!!!
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I can't be arsed putting the battery back on the P38. There's a bus garage just down the road, pretty sure they've got a reccer.
Similar happened on our land in Frogland. blokey drove the lorry delivering ton and tons of slabs right down to where we were going to be using them, nice bloke!
Off loaded them very skilfully and then noticed he was up to his axles.
Span his wheels a bit and made it worse!
Meanwhile truckie's oppos delivering sand and gravel in two other trucks just came for a look, laughed and fecked off! No help at all.
Luckily my son in law's mate who was over helping us, is an expert digger driver and even though the hired digger wasn't all that big he managed to half lift half drag the back of the truck out of the hole it had dug for itself so he could drive it off.
All good sport!!:):):)
Is it out yet?;)
Smart meter will show cost of energy plus usage, at the moment I'm using 183 watts as the slow cooker and radio are on (plus fan of course) :)
Total cost so far taday including standing charge is 0.72p
Smart meter on 87p now so used 15p in around two hours, that's slow cooker and radio plus bathroom fan
Good these meters don't you think ? :)
P.S. forgot fridge and freezer
Similar happened on our land in Frogland. blokey drove the lorry delivering ton and tons of slabs right down to where we were going to be using them, nice bloke!
Off loaded them very skilfully and then noticed he was up to his axles.
Span his wheels a bit and made it worse!
Meanwhile truckie's oppos delivering sand and gravel in two other trucks just came for a look, laughed and fecked off! No help at all.
Luckily my son in law's mate who was over helping us, is an expert digger driver and even though the hired digger wasn't all that big he managed to half lift half drag the back of the truck out of the hole it had dug for itself so he could drive it off.
All good sport!!:):):)
Is it out yet?;)
That would be a no.
Screenshot 2022-11-09 164638.jpg

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