I will hug anyone I don’t care….everyone needs a bit of happiness in there lives.
I just hope @kermit_rr does not expect me to wear my leathers :eek:
Virtual hug
You are now venturing into our @Mackers territory now :eek:, we like him cos he’s got a trattor, but steer clear of his hugs and cuddles:).


I don't tend to go touching people but good to keep an open mind
Well that's a comfort...NOT! :(
My Chiropractor suggested I tell the hospital on Thursday about my upper back pain (floating rib area)... as sometimes it can be linked to heart-disease and show up before a heart attack! :(
But I shall of course mention it to them, now he has said it. :)

EEeeeekkkk :eek: My mate got rushed in with the same thing but turned out all he needed was
a massive fart haha :D

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