Went on Octopussy's website to look at alternative tariffs.
God there are so many.
More on it than hairs on any of our dogs.
How the heck are you supposed to choose?
Now wonderin if I can be assed to actually make some notes as I scan through.
AND they say that there are still more of them once you "start to make a choice" or register or summat.
I emailed them asking about it, before I did this, and they just said they'd let me know when a new thingy crops up.
But from a very brief look just at leccy, I seem to already be on a cheaper one than others.
wonderin if there is a website "Compareyourenergytariffs.com"
Know what you mean!
Wonder if there is anyone on here who hasn't done anything to reduce costs of leccy or gas?
We sure have.:(
I have done what I can and I am tracking the usage closely.
At current usage it is costing £60-65 per week, in this very mild weather.
But, looking at previous winters the usage was 4 times this amount in terms of KWh consumed per day; so that is a bit scary as it means £240/week or £960/Month in Winter.
Know what you mean!
Wonder if there is anyone on here who hasn't done anything to reduce costs of leccy or gas?
We sure have.:(
I am not a big energy user, especially at this time of the year but the one unneccessary thing I have cut out is having the telly on for a lot of the day - I am not even in the room but it does give me the feeling that I am not alone. Now I make the dogs suffer by talking to them instead.
I do have the oil-fired central heating on low, just to keep the house 'not cold' although I think that plan is negated by me leaving the rear patio doors always open unless the rain is coming in that direction.
I have done what I can and I am tracking the usage closely.
At current usage it is costing £60-65 per week, in this very mild weather.
But, looking at previous winters the usage was 4 times this amount in terms of KWh consumed per day; so that is a bit scary as it means £240/week or £960/Month in Winter.
I know what you mean.
Jeez that's a lot!
I don't keep such a close eye on it as you do, but I think I am starting to.
Maybe in previous winters you weren't so bovvad, so used more than you will be doing.
Having turned the stat down on our HW tank has massively reduced the amount of gas we use, plus turning rads off, but then we did that last year thinking about it. But it means the DW and WM are heating the watter up rather than the tank/CH, so a bit "swings and roundabouts". Apart from lagging the loft even more, which would mean taking the floor up, can't do much else.:(
It's a Mossy 590 with a cut arrow to block the magazine to a capacity of 2 rounds, as per Colorado small game regulations.

Edit: Using #6 shot w/cylinder bore at proper range there in no pink mist involved. I jumped 4 bunnies. 2 were too small and 2 were too fast. No rabbits were injured for this post. :)

Jumping bunnies means something a little different this side of the pond ;)
I am not a big energy user, especially at this time of the year but the one unneccessary thing I have cut out is having the telly on for a lot of the day - I am not even in the room but it does give me the feeling that I am not alone. Now I make the dogs suffer by talking to them instead.
I do have the oil-fired central heating on low, just to keep the house 'not cold' although I think that plan is negated by me leaving the rear patio doors always open unless the rain is coming in that direction.
Yep, sounds like you might be heating a valley there. But then there is "open a crack" and open wide. and if the room door(s) is shut, less of a prob. We do the same on warm days so the doggies can come in and out. But when it's colder no, they have to ask!
You could always have the radio on? Or is the signal for that not good where you are?
Do you have DAB?
W listens to Radio 4 Extra a lot.
Yep, sounds like you might be heating a valley there. But then there is "open a crack" and open wide. and if the room door(s) is shut, less of a prob. We do the same on warm days so the doggies can come in and out. But when it's colder no, they have to ask!
You could always have the radio on? Or is the signal for that not good where you are?
Do you have DAB?
W listens to Radio 4 Extra a lot.
I leave most indoor doors open all the time and the patio door is at least half open. Having said this, I do have thermo valves on all radiators and vary them according to the use of each room.
DAB radio - what's that? :D:D:D:D I do get a signal for R4 on LW but that seems to be of variable quality according to the time of day.:rolleyes:
I am not a big energy user, especially at this time of the year but the one unneccessary thing I have cut out is having the telly on for a lot of the day - I am not even in the room but it does give me the feeling that I am not alone. Now I make the dogs suffer by talking to them instead.
I do have the oil-fired central heating on low, just to keep the house 'not cold' although I think that plan is negated by me leaving the rear patio doors always open unless the rain is coming in that direction.
Leaving a radio on is a cheaper alternative.
Close yer door un fit a dog door bell.
I think that plan is negated by me leaving the rear patio doors always open unless the rain is coming in that direction.

You need to close that door. Nice sunny days no problem, not sure you get many of them tho this time of year;).
The dogs will soon learn:), Ours would get closed at a certain point in the year and he learnt to give a little bark to go out and come back in when he wanted:).
He had a basket with blanket outside too, which only came in if it was raining;).

They will soon adapt to your habits:).

You need to close that door. Nice sunny days no problem, not sure you get many of them tho this time of year;).
The dogs will soon learn:), Ours would get closed at a certain point in the year and he learnt to give a little bark to go out and come back in when he wanted:).
He had a basket with blanket outside too, which only came in if it was raining;).

They will soon adapt to your habits:).

It's just me being soft-hearted! If the door is closed then one dog, who rarely comes in anyway, just goes to one of his many 'safe' hiding places and sleeps there for the next few hours. The other one, who never barks, just keep going from the back patio door round to the front patio doors and peers in in the hope/expectation that I will open that one. He is convinced that shutting it was just a momentary lapse of memory on my part. :rolleyes:
I leave most indoor doors open all the time and the patio door is at least half open. Having said this, I do have thermo valves on all radiators and vary them according to the use of each room.
DAB radio - what's that? :D:D:D:D I do get a signal for R4 on LW but that seems to be of variable quality according to the time of day.:rolleyes:
DAB is digital radio, you can get it on a special radio or possibly on the telly or your pooter.
W listens to it on her iPad, or her special radio, and I have just checked and I can pick it up via the set-top-box and recorder, (our Humax). I just do "+" then "change group" which puts up all the radio stations. Channel 700 on.
There are some lovely old comedy shows on there, like Hancock, etc. I can also listen to Smooth radio which suits me, although you have to put up with the ads.
sounds like your FM signal isn't good.:(
You need to close that door. Nice sunny days no problem, not sure you get many of them tho this time of year;).
The dogs will soon learn:), Ours would get closed at a certain point in the year and he learnt to give a little bark to go out and come back in when he wanted:).
He had a basket with blanket outside too, which only came in if it was raining;).

They will soon adapt to your habits:).

Ours just stand at the patio door scratching the glass. Scratch, wait, scratch again. Like the japanese (or is it Chines?) water torture! It works!

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