It's been brilliant 'ere but now the sun's come out.:( The dogs have had a fine time - one has never seen snow before.
None here neither. :(
Just an ickle bit'll do - enough for a snow day at work and so's I can go play driftin Defenders down the car park at the beach..;)
Whales don’t give a poo:p:eek::)
Very true, but Wales has certainly enjoyed some of the white stuff today. The staggering thing is the number of 'little accidents' that have happened. So many people really do not have a clue how to drive in less-than-perfect conditions - police and ambulances have been busy!
One of my colleagues had a "moment" in his new Hilux earlier near Hereford.
Driving along at about 25, sees the backside of a car in a hedge up ahead.
"Wonder what happened there" says he.. Just as he hits the patch of black ice that was the culprit :D
Very true, but Wales has certainly enjoyed some of the white stuff today. The staggering thing is the number of 'little accidents' that have happened. So many people really do not have a clue how to drive in less-than-perfect conditions - police and ambulances have been busy!

People need to respect conditions.
91B46CF1-C1EF-4F40-AE94-44A18FF13146.jpeg 6FB7B5C9-55EE-42E9-ADAE-F9B3C0290292.jpeg
Some still think that all the mod cons will save them:eek:


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