Bin picking thorns out me fingers. Ah bought meself some gardening gloves and they is cr*p. Ah were cuttin n pullin out brambles and the not so little bastids prickled me. Magnifier and scaple job to get em out. One would think gardening gloves would be bramble safe.
"Briers" do make tuff long gloves. Us boys do use they fer the brimbles an they be proper.
Why do brambles always seem to spring up in the middle of the shrub beds which are so difficult to get into - unless you are one of the dogs playing chase!
Erm, why intit the same at both ends Dips? It dunt feel like nearly an hour extra gloom neither. :oops:
Be gentle we is just a simple trattorist. :D

Tis the way of the world, gentle soul ...

... this is caused by the effect of the Equation of Time. This defines the time when the Sun is due north, or equivalently the time of day exactly half way between sunrise and sunset...

It's maths is calculus, so a bit heavy on the letters ....

This is easier, speshully this late ...

I wrap my hands and arms wiv barbed wire, give the fookers a taste of their own medicine

Ere Bloo, you ain't Marshall Law on the QT are you?
Maybe just the weekends. ..
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We have had quite a lot of rain this evening but at 10.30 it seemed to have gone through - at least that band has gone!! Tomorrow is another question.

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