Morning all, hoose is cold this morning just lit the fire I got offered a couple tree cutting jobs
that wood have given me a few years worth burning way too big for me to do & my climber
monkey boy is retiring after a stroke scare.

Dogs were up n out, now all sleepin wee gits lol
The sky looks angry.. dry the noo :):)
According to this thread and at least one other, a lot of people are thinking along these lines. As long as the mains power is switched off, it can't do any harm.
So I won't tell them if you don't!!;)
Yer not allowd to setup a generator in such a way as to allow the generator to supply to the grid, if all components are fitted. Yer can't remove fings temporary to isolate to get round that. Yer can only do it wiv a change over contact. House on the common. Mains and generator on the two switched contacts. The change over switch will only allow one or the other to connect to yer house circuits.

There will be lots ov peeps doing silly fings burrits not wurf the risk. We will only lose lectric supplies for a few hours during peak times. That is easily avoided by lowering our usage during peak times. Like not having a lectric shower or boiling yer kettul or powering yer lectric oven during certain times ov the day if yer wish to help oot. We have had dig fer britain. Now its wait er bit fer britain.

If yer setup catches fire yer insurance wont cover you. Also yer may zap yerself int dark when trying to change fungs over. Its not wurf the risk. Yer fridge and freezer will be ok fer several hours if yer dunt open the door and they is already cold.
...that I have to go to my son's to help fit a new toilet flush mechanism with an internal overflow. :(
The existing one has external overflow and when the ball-valve failed it overflowed but the pipe was just not connected to anything (previous house owner) which just ruined the room below it.
Herself wants me back here pronto to pull all the dead leaves off the huge cordyline in the front garden. :)
Busy, Busy, Busy. :D
...that I have to go to my son's to help fit a new toilet flush mechanism with an internal overflow. :(
The existing one has external overflow and when the ball-valve failed it overflowed but the pipe was just not connected to anything (previous house owner) which just ruined the room below it.
Herself wants me back here pronto to pull all the dead leaves off the huge cordyline in the front garden. :)
Busy, Busy, Busy. :D
Good job you are not sick or have any sort of aneurysm :rolleyes:
Morning all, hoose is cold this morning just lit the fire I got offered a couple tree cutting jobs
that wood have given me a few years worth burning way too big for me to do & my climber
monkey boy is retiring after a stroke scare.

Dogs were up n out, now all sleepin wee gits lol
The sky looks angry.. dry the noo :):)
"wood have given me wood" Ha Ha!!!:D:D:D

Shame about the lack of a tree monkey though.:(:(
Stick to the tunnul
Wot? Drive 3 hours in the wrong direction, faff about going thru the tunnel, then drive about 4 more hours just to get to roughly where we would have been after a decent nights sleep on a ferry?
Wasting a day and about a tankful of diesel as well.
We were forced to do it once. Never again.
Ahhhhh! Do you get seasick? That might explain it!;)
Wot? Drive 3 hours in the wrong direction, faff about going thru the tunnel, then drive about 4 more hours just to get to roughly where we would have been after a decent nights sleep on a ferry?
Wasting a day and about a tankful of diesel as well.
We were forced to do it once. Never again.
Ahhhhh! Do you get seasick? That might explain it!;)
My theory is I can hopefully swim…but I can’t swim & dig at the same time
Done the tunnel while going to Spain to save time. Could not even sleep,unlike a ferry
Yer not allowd to setup a generator in such a way as to allow the generator to supply to the grid, if all components are fitted. Yer can't remove fings temporary to isolate to get round that. Yer can only do it wiv a change over contact. House on the common. Mains and generator on the two switched contacts. The change over switch will only allow one or the other to connect to yer house circuits.

There will be lots ov peeps doing silly fings burrits not wurf the risk. We will only lose lectric supplies for a few hours during peak times. That is easily avoided by lowering our usage during peak times. Like not having a lectric shower or boiling yer kettul or powering yer lectric oven during certain times ov the day if yer wish to help oot. We have had dig fer britain. Now its wait er bit fer britain.

If yer setup catches fire yer insurance wont cover you. Also yer may zap yerself int dark when trying to change fungs over. Its not wurf the risk. Yer fridge and freezer will be ok fer several hours if yer dunt open the door and they is already cold.
There is more than one way of skinning the "how to safely use a generator" cat.
We have thort of several, and the "plug it into a ring main circuit with the fuse removed and switched off at the mains" is just one.
We even have a cool box that would run on a car battery to keep the milk in etc if we don't want to open the fridge door or use a thermos.
We are used to running things at night, washing machine, dishwasher and even heating hot water, as we do it all the time in France where it is cheaper to do so. Many Brits will not be be used to doing this. Thermos flasks, gas barbies, etc etc we can all do it and I remember having to do during the three day week. and the miners strikes, back in the early 70s, some of the time is was in boarding school.
You'll be aware of my having mentioned Tilley lamps, Primus stoves, oil lamps etc. Many of which could be seen as being dangerous too.
I'm afraid I like to treat things like power cuts as a bit of an enjoyable adventure, a problem solving exercise and I am almost looking forward to them.
But I am not a total prat, although I pretend to be sometimes just to get the odd laugh. Sorry but life can be too boring if one doesn't do this from time to time.
So thank you for the reminder of the legal and insurance angles on all this.
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