So here is some pics.
First the frontage, with from left to right, one of the Disco 1s with the 16 foot box trailer behind it, then the other Disco 1, then W's Chesil Speedster, then my Marlin Roadster, then the space I left for her Pluriel then obvs the D2 and the noo trailer.
View attachment 275096

This is the angle at which you have to approach it or leave it due to where the house is in relation to the shared drive, the house to the right belongs to the mad woman and her husb.
View attachment 275097
You can see the curvature of the wall, better here.
View attachment 275098

Bloody hell Stan you cant park cars either :p I could get loads more cars in there :D
Supermarket car parks are superb for drifting, I was up at my garage in Glasgow a few years
ago & it was snowing decided to take my mk1 escort out to have a bit of fun. I was passing a
big tesco carpark & though oh yass, spent about 15-20mins drifting all over it then on the way
out I looked up at this big building well lit up all glass ah though oh ffs...
It was a police station with about 15 cops all standing at the windows applauding haha
I just gave them a wave & a flash of the hazards :D

All with a trailer my hat is doffed to you:p:D:D.

Was passing so I had to have a look............
Normally I reverse in rather than drive in, my mate was laughing at me the other day when I was
reversing with 3t of stone on my wee trailer yer it was a tad over weight but heyho
I reversed round a horseshoe drive about 100m then round an s bend over a wee bridge I knew
if I drove in there was no chance of turning without unhitching the trailer I was leaving the stone
on it fk trying to turn it on 20mm gravel by hand. o_O
He said he would have wrecked the van & trailer plus the gardens & the 8ft stone walls haha
My other mate cant do it at all says his brain tells him to fck off get out & turn it by hand.
If it hadn't been black dark I'd a reversed it in. but it was black and W wanted IN!!
Getting in is so much easier than reversing out again.
So I'm with you!!:):):):)
If you cant drive with the trailer I'll take it suppose I'll need to come and get it just rig it up to the v8:D
You know you is a huge cheeky fecker!!!
I have driven the trailer all over the place even once reversed the box trailer onto a drive in a really tight village in the middle of Zummerzet to pick up a fancy Art Deco cupboad thing.
But I know you mean well.;)
I might have to change my will."If I actooly peg it afore @kevstar then he can have my Disco v8" :D:D:D
You know you is a huge cheeky fecker!!!
I have driven the trailer all over the place even once reversed the box trailer onto a drive in a really tight village in the middle of Zummerzet to pick up a fancy Art Deco cupboad thing.
But I know you mean well.;)
I might have to change my will."If I actooly peg it afore @kevstar then he can have my Disco v8" :D:D:D

Can yer reverse two trailers at once?
Supermarket car parks are superb for drifting, I was up at my garage in Glasgow a few years
ago & it was snowing decided to take my mk1 escort out to have a bit of fun. I was passing a
big tesco carpark & though oh yass, spent about 15-20mins drifting all over it then on the way
out I looked up at this big building well lit up all glass ah though oh ffs...
It was a police station with about 15 cops all standing at the windows applauding haha
I just gave them a wave & a flash of the hazards :D
Back in the mid 80s when we had a decent winter even down here, I was amazed at how well the Dolomite Sprint went round roundabouts on opposite lock in the snow. :D:D:D

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