Well that was a cr@p idea!!
Scroofix is only just a bit down the road. Not gone that way since we got back. They has got sum road wuks goin on. P!ssing it down an orl.
Sat in a jam for ages, not moovin, all for a £10 tape measure I won't be using yet a whiles. So slung it around and came back.
Oh and yes, forgot to mention.
The noo trailer's brakes are squeaking like feck in reverse. The whole shebang has only done about 1100 miles. And most of that on Mway so not a lot of braking involved.
I know they prolly have to bed in but blimey O'Riley do they make an awful noise, yet nowt going forwards.
Please, will someone tell me?
Why, oh feckin why, when you drive a Landy and long wide trailer into a tight space next to a curved wall, can you not simply reverse it out again????:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Especially as I removed two large plant tubs which were alongside the wall.:mad::mad::mad:
No matter how many times I tried, pulling forwards when it wasn't going right and trying again, the Disco just got closer and closer to the wall and when it wasn't the ffing trailer just kicked over away from the line it needed to be on to go through the gap.
I ended up unhitching and physically pulling the 750 kg trailer into a space so that I could hitch up again and then shift it. On thick gravel which didn't help at all.
Once off my drive I was able to borrow an opposite neighbour's empty drive to turn the rig round and then reverse back onto my drive and right up into a corner with no real fuss. Against the curved wall again.
All those of you who are ace trailer/van/carryvan reversers will be chortling by now!!!
And I have backache in a different place to the usual!
Tis gloomy here but not quite raining just yet.
Have a lovely day folks!

Normally I reverse in rather than drive in, my mate was laughing at me the other day when I was
reversing with 3t of stone on my wee trailer yer it was a tad over weight but heyho
I reversed round a horseshoe drive about 100m then round an s bend over a wee bridge I knew
if I drove in there was no chance of turning without unhitching the trailer I was leaving the stone
on it fk trying to turn it on 20mm gravel by hand. o_O
He said he would have wrecked the van & trailer plus the gardens & the 8ft stone walls haha
My other mate cant do it at all says his brain tells him to fck off get out & turn it by hand.
Waiting for @Hicap phill for his reply

This was the road to the farm this morning.

The only thing stopping me from reversing was the cows
Being no eggsquirt on the subject, but have never been stuck. I do really think about the gaps I go in with the big trailers and have been nearly caught out a few times. So I do understand how easy it can be to get stuck:( so sympathize with you mate:(.
When reversing is always when Peeps muck up, I really think about where I stop in case I have to reverse and then before even moving back as to which way I need to turn cos once it starts going wrong and you pull forward it is always going to get worserer;).

Cones and supermarket carpark practice for our Stan :p:D.


Supermarket car parks are superb for drifting, I was up at my garage in Glasgow a few years
ago & it was snowing decided to take my mk1 escort out to have a bit of fun. I was passing a
big tesco carpark & though oh yass, spent about 15-20mins drifting all over it then on the way
out I looked up at this big building well lit up all glass ah though oh ffs...
It was a police station with about 15 cops all standing at the windows applauding haha
I just gave them a wave & a flash of the hazards :D
Warra end to the working week, feel like @Hicap phill. Got an early stack so diverted to Grantham to collect one’s youngest daughter. What should’ve been an easy and stress free waft back home was spoiled by a poor route choice that included a road close. Lorries backed up for miles I ended up following a recovery truck down the opposite carriage way to used the left to South Kyme which I could see for this last hour. Anyway home now and a ****-ton of unleaded burned up in the process.
Eye finished me sossij roles last nite.

I went to buy a one from greggs with a tommytoe soop, saasage roll was stone cold I asked if
they could heat it up errr no sorry :confused: ok then stick it back in yer fridge cause I wanted it hot.sh
Who likes to eat em cold pizz off, same as old macdonalds why is the food it never hot :confused:
I like my food hot. Hence why I dont use them that and the food is sh!te.
Thanks for the homework!
Have to say It is really fecking tight in front of our house, as on the frontage we also have the other big trailer which is 16 feet long, (this'n is 18 feet long) 2 other Discos, Wifey's kit car and my kit car. All of which cannot be moved easily.
Plus as I mentioned, a wall which curves around.
Once the trailer was parked up, I then slotted the Disco in beside it and then W's Pluriel next to that. There is even space, just for a guest to park up!
But tight really isn't in it!
Whenever we travel with a trailer I head straight for the lorry section of the Autoroute service stations, which gives me plenty of room to manoeuvre. and am very careful when it comes to getting fuel.
It isn't the size of the space I have to back into, that isn't really the problem, it is the amount of space around it that can be a factor, especially if I have to turn it round, which was basically what I was doing this a.m. and at the hotel in Frogland.
First rule seems to be, in a right hand drive car, try to always reverse around a bend to your right as you can see better what you are doing.
But the low, curved wall, to the right of the rig curves to the left so I had trouble seeing it all the time as the rig was also curved to the left next to it.
Weirdly when we bought and picked up the trailer, we drove W's car to it and put it on in front of the sales guy to make sure it all went on properly, then got home and reversed the rig off the road, up the shared drive then onto our place in one fell swoop. Twas no problem at all! W lent a bit of a hand but tbh she always panics and doesn't give clear signals. Nor can I ever hear her voice even though she shouts at me.

If you cant drive with the trailer I'll take it suppose I'll need to come and get it just rig it up to the v8:D

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