Our solar wata has a controller that turns the pump on/off depending on temp in the panels so it is not running all the time but it will not pump if the water in the tank is more than the panels;), The controller will also pump if the temp gets into minus numbers in the winter, which uses heat in the tank to put a little warm in the panels to make sure they don't freeze. Its a clever box of tricks:).
Yes, I have heard of these "smart" controllers.
I have just looked at the pump and if you were to describe the flow-speed as a clock face then the minimum is at the 8-O'Clock, the "Auto" (allegedly "Smart") setting is to be found at 12-O'Clock and "Balls-Out-Maximum" is at 4-O'Clock.
It is now set at 4-O'Clock. :D, let's see what happens tomorrow morning.
Yes, I have heard of these "smart" controllers.
I have just looked at the pump and if you were to describe the flow-speed as a clock face then the minimum is at the 8-O'Clock, the "Auto" (allegedly "Smart") setting is to be found at 12-O'Clock and "Balls-Out-Maximum" is at 4-O'Clock.
It is now set at 4-O'Clock. :D, let's see what happens tomorrow morning.

I wonder if some of your problem is that now you have TRVs most are shut down and the system just doesnt need as much heat.
Do you have a stat on the boiler? I wonder if its more boiler related than pump issue.
Good luck with it maybe 1 of our resident CH eqqsuirts will pick up on it, or perhaps start an new fred. No point in running the pump flat out if it only needs to pump half a systems worth cos the TRVs have shut.
Good luck with it:).

I wonder if some of your problem is that now you have TRVs most are shut down and the system just doesnt need as much heat.
Do you have a stat on the boiler? I wonder if its more boiler related than pump issue.
Good luck with it maybe 1 of our resident CH eqqsuirts will pick up on it, or perhaps start an new fred. No point in running the pump flat out if it only needs to pump half a systems worth cos the TRVs have shut.
Good luck with it:).

Ahhhh.... well, yes, there is a stat on the boiler. It is an 80,000 BTU boiler and the stat goes from 1..5 then MAX.
I have run it for the past 30 years at 3 with no problems. It is tripping at 3. So I don't think it is the boiler stat I think it is the pump not pulling enough heat out of the boiler and pushing it round the pipes.
It is a properly designed system with 28mm main pipework with 22mm spines on each floor, with 15mm to each room/radiator.
Trouble-free for 30 years and only gone wrong since the Magnaclean type unit was inserted into the pipe run. I don't like making 180-degree changes in water direction, but I had to do it.
This may be a factor of course. :)
Our solar wata has a controller that turns the pump on/off depending on temp in the panels so it is not running all the time but it will not pump if the water in the tank is more than the panels;), The controller will also pump if the temp gets into minus numbers in the winter, which uses heat in the tank to put a little warm in the panels to make sure they don't freeze. Its a clever box of tricks:).
Yerp ours does exactly this.
But as set up I realised the pump was running too fast and the heating fluid was leaving the tank without having dumped as much heat as it could have done, thanks to to the temp indicators. So I turned the pump speed down to medium and watched the dials. It was soon obvs that it was coming out even more cooler (if that makes sense) than it had been doing before. so it was costing us less to run the pump and we were getting max heat out of the panels.
The liquid is funny stuff and I am pretty sure it has anti freeze in it. But yes, when we go away I set it to run at a very low temp but not off totally. In fact I don't think the pooter will let me do this.
It has loads of modes and things you can change, like the temp at which the pump will come on and go off above the temp the tank sees it needs. So it isn't for ever switching itself on and off. Again there are limits it won't let you go beyond.
As you say very clever box of tricks. Amazed it still works!!!
If I was still over there I'd take a pic to see if yours is the same as ours!
Same cause, thermal trip.

I have run it for the past 30 years at 3 with no problems.

I am no eqqsquirt.
But if its tripping then yes heat is not being taken into the system to dissipate at the rads. (half are closed cos of your new TRVs)
But the thermostat is supposed to cycle the burner so it doesn't overheat at the boiler;).

That is about the extent of what I can advise:).

I am no eqqsquirt.
But if its tripping then yes heat is not being taken into the system to dissipate at the rads. (half are closed cos of your new TRVs)
But the thermostat is supposed to cycle the burner so it doesn't overheat at the boiler;).

That is about the extent of what I can advise:).


Well it just fired up from cold and didn't trip out. :D
Let's see what happens tomorrow morning after it has settled all night. :)
Evening all im feckn knackered, not had much sleep for a few nights then doing gabion baskets
today dam hard going. Made a ramp for my neebs to get his mobility scooter out his front door
& down the step. Forgot to take pics tho ooops
ah didn't happen then lol.

i had a fab night slept at half 10 woke for a pee at 11.45pm yaldi! asleep for another 6 hours

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