I find with central heating systems there's often air left in them even though water's coming out of all the bleed nipples, so it helps to let them settle overnight and bleed again, run the boiler and bleed them again and so on. Plus there's often a lot of air in mains water, either fully dissolved or in those tiny bubbles that give it a cloudy appearance, so it's not surprising that air appears even after you think you've got rid of it. Patience and repeated tweaking will serve you well in the long term.
Yes indeed. Bled it all this morning and the boiler ran OK after that. Will bleed it tomorrow etc. etc.
I was amazed at the accumulated crud in the horizontal section of pipework we removed to put the magnaclean in. The 28m bore was down to 15mm and it had to be chipped away with a metal implement. :mad:
The vertical piece (by contrast) was as clear as can be. :rolleyes:
TBH I am not sure how effective the inhibitors/cleaners are, but they must do some good.
I dunno what it's like in your area, but my partner Xylia just got one in a community centre that she booked online - all she needed was name, date of birth and NHS number and there was a wide choice of very prompt appointments available, and they weren't too busy on the day and actually did her early.

Personally I'm not having a fourth one, because of the growing body of evidence about safety concerns balanced against my likely vulnerabilities. I see Norway's not recommending it for those under 65 and Denmark for those under 50, except for especially vulnerable people. Xylia's got a few factors that make her more vulnerable than me so in her case it's probably worth it.
Tried all that, all they can give me is one in either Soton or Salisbury, but Wifey is getting one in a hospital 5 minutes down the road.
I've already had a thrombosis in a leg due to A-Z so I think that'll be my lot! She is 75 and I am 67 so I think we fall into the category that should still get one.
Good thing M isn't like W then. ;)
She goes mad with me if I make something that works but is still "unfinished" or "temporary"! She grizzles every time it gets used and bitches about the long term projects that aren't finished.
Like the utility room here and the master bathroom over there!
Despite the fact that I never have the time to work on them as I am always helping here with her (usually garden) projects.
So what stone or bricks did you make it from?
We have lots of loose granite going begging on our land which it would be very appropriate to use if it would work. I suppose I'd have to stick it together with some sort of fireproof cement or summat? As you can tell, i have never done this sort of thing before!:eek:

M is very understanding, we have done many things but not quite finished as there was always something else more pressing. Once "Our" bedroom is done along with the dressing area and ensuite. We will revisit and do the finals on the other rooms;). We had more temporary than you could shake a stick at to start with:) and some were very Heath Robinson:), now we are mainly to the little finishers in some rooms.

The BBQ was formwork with rebar and concrete then covered in a local black stone, that can be split thin. Then the BBQ and hood were fabbed to fit a 90cm pre bought grill and the 30cm oven to the side. Still got to put some more in with a sink and tile work surface;).

Just use normal cement if no direct flame contact is my theory.

.....that I wonder why Women Pi$$ and Moan that vacuum cleaners are not working properly and then when you take a look at them you find that they are packed solid with dirt and have never been emptied.
Even though the dirt is visibly twice as high as the "MAX" mark on the sight-glass area and all the internals of the pipes are packed solid.
Then, when you bring this simple fact to their attention you get a lecture about "not doing your share of the housework".
For goodness sake I empty the thing after every time I use it, why can't she? :mad:
.....that I wonder why Women Pi$$ and Moan that vacuum cleaners are not working properly and then when you take a look at them you find that they are packed solid with dirt and have never been emptied.
Even though the dirt is visibly twice as high as the "MAX" mark on the sight-glass area and all the internals of the pipes are packed solid.
Then, when you bring this simple fact to their attention you get a lecture about "not doing your share of the housework".
For goodness sake I empty the thing after every time I use it, why can't she? :mad:
You could try reminding her, every time she finishes using the Hoover, "Have you emptied it?" (We men call it "nagging".)
But W can't complain about me not doing my share of the HW. I do way more especially as she can't do lots of it, plus I make brekfus every day and cook all my own meals when we have to eat separate stuff. I also help cook when we eat together.
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of cups of tea or coffee she has ever made me. :rolleyes:
Funnily the ex was the same on that front!:(:(:(
M is very understanding, we have done many things but not quite finished as there was always something else more pressing. Once "Our" bedroom is done along with the dressing area and ensuite. We will revisit and do the finals on the other rooms;). We had more temporary than you could shake a stick at to start with:) and some were very Heath Robinson:), now we are mainly to the little finishers in some rooms.

The BBQ was formwork with rebar and concrete then covered in a local black stone, that can be split thin. Then the BBQ and hood were fabbed to fit a 90cm pre bought grill and the 30cm oven to the side. Still got to put some more in with a sink and tile work surface;).

Just use normal cement if no direct flame contact is my theory.

I get moaned at all the time for "when are you going to finish that shower/bathroom?", (the bastid one in the master bathroom) and she goes on about all the years we've had the place and it isn't done. Yet all the other rooms bar the storeroom/workshop were completed ages ago, as I always finish a room once I have started it. But she has yet to sand, fill and paint around the door handle/jamb areas on all the doors the burglars damaged by kicking them in ages ago. I point it out to her but it falls on deaf ears. She won't let me do it as the gloss painting is "her job"!
So I spend tons of time working outside doing ground works and heavy gardening as well as maintaining all the stuff that seems to crop up. (And I HATE gardening, she promised me when we bought the place that she would do all or most of it, have you ever seen any one weeding a gravel bed with tweezers? I have. Well nearly.)
She is older and disabled so I have to make massive allowances, but when I complained for the first time in ages that the arthritis in my left thumb was really painful her instant remark was "Are you going to be able to do the utility?".
She doesn't do sympathy, not at all!!

I'll have to think about the barbie.
It's a long way down the list!!
No No No No No, dentistry is the work of somebody who likes to give pain:eek:.

Having said that we have a great Dentist here. But as a kid it was horrible:(.

Surgery just got in touch to say that a local small hospicle will be getting in touch with me to arrange the Covid jab, so that should be OK then.
Funny how following the official guidelines results in such cr@p!
Re dentists. I used to go to the Bristol Dental hospital for treatment when a kid. It was arranged for me and my bro by my ma, the doc, who worked just opposite in a hospital. They were brilliant and very nice. I often had a busty blonde lady doing mine and she used to nestle my head into her chest to do the work.

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