Todays freebee........for the tranny :cool:
Morning All :D
Oh dear, the CH doesn't like "change" and so threw a wobbler this morning and shut down.
Tripped the "overheat" cutout which usually indicates a lack of flow. :(
Rads are mostly cold and I blead a lot of air out of one of them. I suspect a big old airlock in the pipework somewhere. :(
This is why I did the work NOW and not in the dead of Winter. :)
Have a good day. :D
Morning All :D
Oh dear, the CH doesn't like "change" and so threw a wobbler this morning and shut down.
Tripped the "overheat" cutout which usually indicates a lack of flow. :(
Rads are mostly cold and I blead a lot of air out of one of them. I suspect a big old airlock in the pipework somewhere. :(
This is why I did the work NOW and not in the dead of Winter. :)
Have a good day. :D
Have you tried closing a lot of the rads off then running the system full whack to push the air through?
We often had a problem with the one in the kitchen but it went away after doing this. We actually had to close ALL of them off except this one.
And have you bled the thingy on the hot water tank?
Do hope you get it sorted after all your efforts.
Morning All :D
Oh dear, the CH doesn't like "change" and so threw a wobbler this morning and shut down.
Tripped the "overheat" cutout which usually indicates a lack of flow. :(
Rads are mostly cold and I blead a lot of air out of one of them. I suspect a big old airlock in the pipework somewhere. :(
This is why I did the work NOW and not in the dead of Winter. :)
Have a good day. :D

I find with central heating systems there's often air left in them even though water's coming out of all the bleed nipples, so it helps to let them settle overnight and bleed again, run the boiler and bleed them again and so on. Plus there's often a lot of air in mains water, either fully dissolved or in those tiny bubbles that give it a cloudy appearance, so it's not surprising that air appears even after you think you've got rid of it. Patience and repeated tweaking will serve you well in the long term.
Fighting to get a booster autumn Covid jab. Wifey got one via a code she got in a text from her surgery.
My surgery is cr@p. :(:(:(
I dunno what it's like in your area, but my partner Xylia just got one in a community centre that she booked online - all she needed was name, date of birth and NHS number and there was a wide choice of very prompt appointments available, and they weren't too busy on the day and actually did her early.

Personally I'm not having a fourth one, because of the growing body of evidence about safety concerns balanced against my likely vulnerabilities. I see Norway's not recommending it for those under 65 and Denmark for those under 50, except for especially vulnerable people. Xylia's got a few factors that make her more vulnerable than me so in her case it's probably worth it.

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