Christmas this year will be on 25th December, again. Just like last year and even the year before that. Put it in your diary now so it doesn't creep up on you and you have to go out panic buying tons of food a day or so before when you realise the shops will be shut for a few hours
... today's central heating rework has gone quite well. :)
All 12 radiators have been removed, and percussion-power-flushed within an inch of their lives, fitted with new tailstocks and valves and refitted. :)
Tomorrow we will do some CH plumbering to install the Magnaclean (lookalike) unit and then leak-test the whole system and run it up to a high temp. :)
Thom is only available tomorrow as his last day, so it all has to be sorted by close of play. :)
I reckon the plumbing mods will take 2-3 hours so we have a good margin for leak finding/fixing.
I have however hurt myself lifting radiators and I shall be paying the price for this foolishness later. :(
But all in all a good day and fine result. :D
tarbet or tarbert though? I think the lady meant tarbert coming down to the boat from Oban. Tarbets a dump but ok for a base for travelling about
Quite, Tarbet is feck all really, especially in the middle of winter, but as you say a good place to tour from. When I said "loved it" i meant the fortnight as a whole. Tarbet one sh!t pub where Wifey couldn't find anything she could eat.:(
... today's central heating rework has gone quite well. :)
All 12 radiators have been removed, and percussion-power-flushed within an inch of their lives, fitted with new tailstocks and valves and refitted. :)
Tomorrow we will do some CH plumbering to install the Magnaclean (lookalike) unit and then leak-test the whole system and run it up to a high temp. :)
Thom is only available tomorrow as his last day, so it all has to be sorted by close of play. :)
I reckon the plumbing mods will take 2-3 hours so we have a good margin for leak finding/fixing.
I have however hurt myself lifting radiators and I shall be paying the price for this foolishness later. :(
But all in all a good day and fine result. :D
Good on you. shame about the "hurt" but rads can be heavy awkward feckers.:(

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