Ah safe crossing :) the road from Oban to the boat is so long. Although I'd love to stop in Tarbet next time.

I always call in to cafe ca’dora in tarbert cos they do a great take away sweet and sour chicken and eat it at the boat while waiting.

Eye has got hold ov an old phooter thats had its hard drive wiped. Nowt left onnit and file system destroyed. Eye know the origional win 7 license number so eye has put win 7 back onnit. Normally yer do this wiv the manufacturers disc which was supplied new, assits an oem machine license. But eye int gottid said disc so eye has used a normal version ov win 7 inna ISO file image. When loading me phooter yer has ter 'boot' oft the disc to 'run' the install program. To be able to do this the disc must be 'bootable'. Bit like the files on the hard disc allowing yer to boot oft that when yer switch yer phooter on. I fort the copy of win 7 eye was using was a bootable version so eye just copied the files from the ISO disc image to me usb memory fing and tried it. But it wouldn't boot and run when eye tried it. So eye used some free software oft the web called 'rufus' to do this. Rufus copied the files from me ISO win 7 image and fettled wiv em to make me phooter boot oft the memory fing and install win 7 from it.
So relieved I now understand this.
I have kept all the old versions of Windows i have ever had on disc.
Goes under the heading of "It might come in useful one day!"
I'm doing well. I'm now retired. I still can't eat much, so I drink my meals. I can swallow with no problems but my sense of taste is all messed up, many foods tasting like sh!t. I hike the hills looking for wild edible and medicinal plants, fossils and gold. When not hiking, I'm on my mountain bike or working on the Ranch getting ready for Armageddon. Hunting seasons are beginning and I am looking forward to a lot of time afield to put food in the freezer hunting and fishing as my pension is meager. Pathetic, actually, considering I've been working for 50 years.
My weight was down to 138 pounds from 170 pounds at the end of the cancer treatment but is back up to around 150. So, things are good. Plus, September is glorious in Colorado!

Glad to hear that things are looking up, I hope the sense of taste sorts it's self or you find something to paste it with ...
All sleeping atm :):) older one still bleeding, she was shivering during the night think she had a
high temp or the antibiotics were wearing off. ?? couldnt get hold of the specialist at the vet hospital
will call again in the morning. I think she will be going in for an opp to remove the uterus sooner rather than later. That was the plan after her chemo. Will see tomorrow. Shes still bright as a button tho. :):)
Dead right, don't muck about if she has a pyo. We've had two go on us and had to rush em in. Now we get em spayed soon after we get em, cheaper and safer. Last twwo were done in Frogland, cheaper still and they do it better!;)

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