The owner needs to report the situation or accept they're complicit in what is going on. The latter could cause them a lot of trouble. The orforities need to be told, now. If considered complicit they may get the leccy bill for wots been stolen. Also a refusal to reconnect at a later date. If it was legit they would be paying the bill via the meter as normal. There's certainly somefink wrong wiv the setup. If tipped oft the house could be empty in an hour be remotely wiping the hard drives via web connection. Worse case they burn it down to hide evidence. Yer need to see the owner now to help them.

I might just nick the whole set up :D
Send that feckin animal to me NOW!!!
Fed up of having to sweep up allatime!!!!!!!
And the burd who is holding the other end of the broomstick, (shush, don't tell W!):D:D:D:D
Watta butts are now clean. Edgar gorrup set as we had watta when eye said they were empty. Had to explain about the bits at the bottom below the tap that dunt taste nice. Washed oot me gutterin on me garage ov moss so it all stays cleaner. Going the get one ov the fings that fits in the gutterin to stop moss flowing wiv me watta. Went to wix last nite to look at the pipe options. Just robber some martows oft me plant when he was a sheep.
Trying to get hold of some proper MAF/MAP/Iat sensor cleaner here in useless feckin Frogland.
The tw@t in Leclerc Auto tried to convince me to buy the sh!t contact cleaner that leaves a film/residue.:rolleyes:
Fort I'd found some, €10.85 a tin, in Belgique.:rolleyes:
Went through all the signing up sh!t only to find they want €11 odd for transport! Feck that!:mad::mad::mad:
I'll have to dig a bit deeper round the area. Castres Nor'Auto might have it.:(:(
Oh and did I mention that EDF, on my querying why I was getting estimated bills, have told me that our "Linky" (smart) meter is fubar, and they'll be in touch with Enedis, the subcontractors in charge of meters, and meanwhile would I read the meter for them and give them the readings?
Would I?
Feck no!
Not when I am getting estimated bills of €50 for 2 months.:D:D:D
And if they send Enedis round when we are not in/gone back to the UK, they'll never find the meter, cos they never do!!!:rolleyes::D:D:D
Mind you if they bill us after the cap has gorn then we might get billed even higher than we should.:(:(:(
Hmmm! better think about this.:(:(:(
Trying to get hold of some proper MAF/MAP/Iat sensor cleaner here in useless feckin Frogland.
The tw@t in Leclerc Auto tried to convince me to buy the sh!t contact cleaner that leaves a film/residue.:rolleyes:
Fort I'd found some, €10.85 a tin, in Belgique.:rolleyes:
Went through all the signing up sh!t only to find they want €11 odd for transport! Feck that!:mad::mad::mad:
I'll have to dig a bit deeper round the area. Castres Nor'Auto might have it.:(:(
Can you not use Iso propyl alcohol?
Watta butts are now clean. Edgar gorrup set as we had watta when eye said they were empty. Had to explain about the bits at the bottom below the tap that dunt taste nice. Washed oot me gutterin on me garage ov moss so it all stays cleaner. Going the get one ov the fings that fits in the gutterin to stop moss flowing wiv me watta. Went to wix last nite to look at the pipe options. Just robber some martows oft me plant when he was a sheep.
I'll send my water butt to you to clean. :)

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