Thort this musrt be the case as you said you had AVG which I doubt you'd put on an Apple but then I know feck all as you well know!!
I too have some sort of playstore thing on my Android but I never buy an app, I want my phone to do just the very basic things and I only switch it on for a purpose.
Wot you said about Apple matches what Wifey said so you must at least be keeping an eye on it!:):):)
For many years apple users have said they cant get viruses, be hacked etc. Even mac phooter users fink the same. Eye fink its funny they bash microsft for being venerable at times but dunt realise their own choice ov product can have the same problems. Its bin a long time since eye used an apple product. We had apple mac phooters at school. Lc1, 2 and 5. Advanced for their time but windows 95 took the market by storm. Eye likes windows but dunt let it take over my life like apple products seem to want to do.
And don't you agree that they are a bit daft as the crypto mine should easily pay for the electric legally?
Thieving and greedy, as usual!

I doubt anyone could afford the leccy that set up is using :eek: Very stupid and greedy as you say im
wondering if my mate had a feeling something is going on, he has no reason to go into the house sending
me down to look at the property knowing id find somit going on ??
For many years apple users have said they cant get viruses, be hacked etc. Even mac phooter users fink the same. Eye fink its funny they bash microsft for being venerable at times but dunt realise their own choice ov product can have the same problems. Its bin a long time since eye used an apple product. We had apple mac phooters at school. Lc1, 2 and 5. Advanced for their time but windows 95 took the market by storm. Eye likes windows but dunt let it take over my life like apple products seem to want to do.
Agree totally about Apple stuff despite W having both phone and pad.
Apple macs at school?
shows you is younger'n me! We had a Westrex machine we used to type programs and data onto paper tape, in Fortran which then had to be sent off.

A while later we got the print out back.:):):):):)
I doubt anyone could afford the leccy that set up is using :eek: Very stupid and greedy as you say im
wondering if my mate had a feeling something is going on, he has no reason to go into the house sending
me down to look at the property knowing id find somit going on ??
According to what I read ont net the electric is quite a lot but not bad if you are successfully mining the crypto currency. Only used for running the computer thingies and cooling them.
I think he knows your tough guy persona and sent you down in case things got dodgy!;)
According to what I read ont net the electric is quite a lot but not bad if you are successfully mining the crypto currency. Only used for running the computer thingies and cooling them.
I think he knows your tough guy persona and sent you down in case things got dodgy!;)

We have had a bit of a laugh about that, once he said ahh my boy will take you as I laughed
he shouted him over & said you going to back me up an take kev on errr fk that your on your own. haha
Just cos that is what i was noshing on at the time!! a whole squid each!:eek::eek::eek:
I get 5 for €1.50 but then that is on the market.
but they is good.
Used to be 5 for €1 last year, :(:(:(
Spose you are on "filled rolls " or whatever they nosh on for brekfus in the Gorbals!!!:D:D:D

Haha there isnt much left of the original Gorbals im getting hungry now im going for a bit of lunch
& buy a mate of mine a wee prezzy for his noo babby :):)
IIrc they have been in that house for nearly 2 years. There isnt a web cam I checked for one. ;)
The owner needs to report the situation or accept they're complicit in what is going on. The latter could cause them a lot of trouble. The orforities need to be told, now. If considered complicit they may get the leccy bill for wots been stolen. Also a refusal to reconnect at a later date. If it was legit they would be paying the bill via the meter as normal. There's certainly somefink wrong wiv the setup. If tipped oft the house could be empty in an hour be remotely wiping the hard drives via web connection. Worse case they burn it down to hide evidence. Yer need to see the owner now to help them.

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