Eye is awake and avvin me brekfust. Door open wivva nice wind coming in. Suns up burrit says its gunner rain layter. Eye raked me grass yesdi ter get rid ov some ov the moss. Ceared deaded leefs from under me bush. Realised the ivy eye int cleared has started to grow under me grass. Its creeping along me fence un flower bed. Eye hate it.
The EA needs their butt kickin. I has bin readin about all the instances of water companies dumpin crap into rivers, water courses an the sea, a lot, an without penalty. WTF is going on with this pleasant isle? :(
Watta companies get fines when they do fings wrong. They gettid investigated to wurk oot what and why fings went wrong. Thames gottid the highest fine so far. Search google ferrit. If the media run a campaign on not flushing rags and wet wipes it would help reduce some ovvit.
Watta companies get fines when they do fings wrong. They gettid investigated to wurk oot what and why fings went wrong. Thames gottid the highest fine so far. Search google ferrit. If the media run a campaign on not flushing rags and wet wipes it would help reduce some ovvit.
Sadly, they are not doing anything that the law does not permit - it is the law that needs tightening if this practice is to be stopped.
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That I would love to see all of our utilities and public infrastructure taken back into full public ownership with pricing set to cover costs and investment for maintenance and renewal only, instead of fat-cat boardroom salaries and pensions and shareholder dividends. But that's just me. A closet communist I suppose. :)
Yesterday and this morning I has been mostly clagging paint on bits of me tratter chassis. Yesterday I forgot to put me overalls on. This morning I remembered, but forgot me gloves. There are parts of my hands, fingers, arms, body, right lug and nostril that are not gonna go rusty any time soon :oops:
Yesterday and this morning I has been mostly clagging paint on bits of me tratter chassis. Yesterday I forgot to put me overalls on. This morning I remembered, but forgot me gloves. There are parts of my hands, fingers, arms, body, right lug and nostril that are not gonna go rusty any time soon :oops:
Like Popeye, and the bit that goes in Olive Oyl!!!
Just went down to the pool where I did yet more jointing on Satdi.
It has rained a bit last night and this a.m.. This jointing sand stuff needs 2 straight days with no rain and only goes off 100% in about a month.
So I am a little p!ssed off.
The weather forecast on Satdi said no rain for two days.:mad::mad::mad:
So the wretched stuff is still soft.
Dreading having to redo stuff, maybe next year!:(
Like Popeye, and the bit that goes in Olive Oyl!!!


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