much cooler
Noticed a five pound transaction whilst checking bank yesterday, because it was a round five pound I thought it unusual. It was from a place twenty miles away that I never visit so I put a stop on my card,
If it had been four ninety nine I wouldn't have noticed as I bought a couple of small items on fleabay recently, not very bright these thieves, probably goin to try and go shopping with cloned card this weekend. :mad:
They put a small amount on to test it. Spending a fowsund sovs would trigger card security iffit it were unusual spending. When they know it wuks they then spend more.
Orrible hot weekend. Operation cassul cool was a success. Eye has noticed wasps hovering around me burd baff. They land on the edge ferra drink. Not seen that before. Eye guess all the puddles are dry and the pubs shut. Eye was int hall way where its coolest. 27.7 degrees c max. Watching telly un youtoob on me fone assit dunt produce much heat. Catch up wiv everyfink laterer.
Here's an astonishing factoid.
France has the biggest number of MacDonalds except for the USA.
And it has also just been given the biggest fine ever, €1.2 billion, for.............
tax evasion.
1500 restaurants, any wonder that obesity among the 8-17 yr olds has increased by 21%
In the country renowned for its gastronomy!:rolleyes:
Do the local frogs eat there or issit holiday un travelling peeps who eat there?
They put a small amount on to test it. Spending a fowsund sovs would trigger card security iffit it were unusual spending. When they know it wuks they then spend more.
Lucky I noticed it then, I do check bank at least once a week.
I'm using cash from now on, can't think how they got my details as I'm very careful when using the card.
Might get an app and use that freeze/unfreeze facility on card so even if it's cloned again they can't use it
Lucky I noticed it then, I do check bank at least once a week.
I'm using cash from now on, can't think how they got my details as I'm very careful when using the card.
Might get an app and use that freeze/unfreeze facility on card so even if it's cloned again they can't use it
This is why I went to an app on two of my accounts and the third I don't use the card. You have to protect yourself in these modern times!
Lucky I noticed it then, I do check bank at least once a week.
I'm using cash from now on, can't think how they got my details as I'm very careful when using the card.
Might get an app and use that freeze/unfreeze facility on card so even if it's cloned again they can't use it
They got mine because I was stupid & believed a Text Scam about a Covid test pack. Luckily, although they had the full details of my card they were too slow to use them and 5 days later I blocked the card and saved all the money in the account from being drained away. A lucky escape. Glad you caught it in time too! :D
Lucky I noticed it then, I do check bank at least once a week.
I'm using cash from now on, can't think how they got my details as I'm very careful when using the card.
Might get an app and use that freeze/unfreeze facility on card so even if it's cloned again they can't use it
The card number is created by an algorithum. They guess the start dates etc and keep trying. Its unlikely they seen yer card. The worse fing is contactless. If they find yer card they just have ter swipe un thats it.
Might save money by leaving the card at home, too easy to just flash it at a machine, harder to part with cash speshully when you don't have much in your wallet. :)
On the bright side, suns just come out the grass is still green even after 4 days of scorching heat, bit cooler so might get out and about today :D

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