Went out to lunch to celebrate 32 years together.
It was very nice.
And wondered round the "vide grenier" (kind of car boot in a village, i.e. all around the streets and in people's garages).
bought a pressy for a friend.
Came back home, W went to bed to sleep it off.
Bored now! Even looked ALL through the local-to-me "Nextdoor":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Maybe go on UTUBE.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks!
That's the height of bad manners, to accept an invite and not attend or advise you cannot make it after all. :(

They are only down the street, my mate he could here them in the pool when they went past
the house. Awell thats the last invite for that lot, thing is they said they were bringing another
couple of friends and did I mind "Nope the more the merrier" I said. Fk em once bitten an
all that.

How about packing up their wasted food and giving it to them together with the bill for costs involved? You won't get your money but they will, I hope, get the message.

Too late I binned it first thing. Luv the idea though. ;)

Sh!t no fun.
At least we knew none of our guests could make it to ours.
Avntcha gorra big freezu you can put un in?

Nope its full.. we stocked up yesterday. :rolleyes: The Misses aint happy, we just realised
that 2 weeks ago we went to another bbq & the same folk left early, the chap said
to in front of everyone that my misses was lovely looking, so his wife fecked off said
she was off to make there sons tea, but never came back & left him sitting like a right coconut.
Manners costs nowt. :)
Went out to lunch to celebrate 32 years together.
It was very nice.
And wondered round the "vide grenier" (kind of car boot in a village, i.e. all around the streets and in people's garages).
bought a pressy for a friend.
Came back home, W went to bed to sleep it off.
Bored now! Even looked ALL through the local-to-me "Nextdoor":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Maybe go on UTUBE.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks!

32 years congrats :):) She deffo deserves a medal :p:p:D
Look at rotary engines 20b/26b/787b race car its a hoot, love em:D. probably not much good in a landy though;).

I have to confess after looking at load of stuff I went and looked at stuff about the water engine.
I've been wanting to make an HHO generator and run its product into the air inlet tube of a car or two just to see.
Simple enough science. Just everything else gets in front of hobby stuff like that.
But, with the price of fool, anything that could potentially halve the car's consumption and clean the engine up too, well, it's gotta be worth a stab ain't it?;)
They are only down the street, my mate he could here them in the pool when they went past
the house. Awell thats the last invite for that lot, thing is they said they were bringing another
couple of friends and did I mind "Nope the more the merrier" I said. Fk em once bitten an
all that.

Too late I binned it first thing. Luv the idea though. ;)

Nope its full.. we stocked up yesterday. :rolleyes: The Misses aint happy, we just realised
that 2 weeks ago we went to another bbq & the same folk left early, the chap said
to in front of everyone that my misses was lovely looking, so his wife fecked off said
she was off to make there sons tea, but never came back & left him sitting like a right coconut.
Manners costs nowt. :)
Looks like said "gormless gob" is in the sh!t with you and his wife. He'll be sleepin in the bothy, skint and hungry soon.

Well you could always throw the contents of you bin at him!:rolleyes::D
I have to confess after looking at load of stuff I went and looked at stuff about the water engine.
I've been wanting to make an HHO generator and run its product into the air inlet tube of a car or two just to see.
Simple enough science. Just everything else gets in front of hobby stuff like that.
But, with the price of fool, anything that could potentially halve the car's consumption and clean the engine up too, well, it's gotta be worth a stab ain't it?;)

It’s a very argumentative subject.
But I agree Stanley Myers’s was onto something:).
I honestly believe hydrogen powered ICE is the way forward and would keep us petrolheads satisfied:).

Our new frog neighbour.........
Well I've been giving him enough rope.
He hung himself tother day.:mad::mad::mad:
When will peeps learn to not sh!t on their own doorstep?
Such a shame a real dyed-in-the-wool Landy man too.
Wonder how long it'll take for the rest of the village to wise up to him.:rolleyes::(

You can’t just say that, without saying how high and why he felt the rope:D.

It’s a very argumentative subject.
But I agree Stanley Myers’s was onto something:).
I honestly believe hydrogen powered ICE is the way forward and would keep us petrolheads satisfied:).

It would appear he managed to suss out more than just making HHO and stuffing it into an ICE engine and of course anything that apparently breaks the 1st law of thermodynamics is going to be disliked by the academics.
But who knows what happens at the subatomic level.
What I only learned today is that pure Hydrogen apparently seeps through metal so it is very hard to store.
Tother year on the Christmas Lectures there was a burd demoing a good way of storing H2 but I wasn't paying strict enough attention. But it wasn't anything to do with compressing it and supercooling it.
I'll have to feckin go and look that up too now!:rolleyes::)
Sure as poop would help with both pollution and running out of crude. Coal, oil, woodchips and gas fired power-stations could be using it right now if they got their acts together.
But Big Oil will try to stamp it out.:(
You can’t just say that, without saying how high and why he felt the rope:D.

You know he wants to tap into our drains, right?
Well I went over and told him that wasn't going to happen. He told us of his troubles with his contract of purchase, the lack of a "servitude" so he could put one across tother neighbour's land etc. So I just left him with it.
But did I tell you he has a retired trade from down the road doing all sorts of work for him, for nothing? He said he had a cardiac problem to me, yet he tells this neighbour that he has a head problem and had to have a scan. ????
I went home and had a really good look at the documents to do with applying for our septic tank and connections to the main drains. These were all drawn up by the builder and have the architect's stamp and signature all over them. They make it perfectly clear where the connection had to be and I have to assume that it went to the right person and got approved cos, well, we've got em.
So I sent mush an email pointing out that I had all this.
I said to him that I knew this wouldn't help him directly but that the previous owners of his land must have had the same thing. Especially as their land had had to have been viabilised.
(Boring but here is what this means. After a landowner sells off two plots from the same parcel of land for building, if he wants to sell others off he has to make each one "viable", which means ensure access to water, electricity, phone lines and sewage, unless a septic tank with a drainfield is OK. In this case said farmer sold two other plots off and we know that he made sure the town hall was ready to connect the drains to them in the road. He knew that telling prospective buyers they would have to put in a sewage tank with a drainfield in, would put buyers off and lower the price. He also owned the land where the servitudes would have to be. (He also had to put a fire hydrant in which cost him and arm and two legs!))
So, instead of saying "Thanks mate, I'll have a look at this." he just poo-pooed it all AND, cardinal hanging error, "pointed out", in a PS, an error in my French. Which it wasn't at least not according to Larousse and Robert, which are the equivalent of the Encyclopedia Britannica and the OED.
No one over here has EVER pointed out mistakes in my French, in fact I get the opposite from them.
He's a supercilious, know-it-all cunt whose bossy wife had a go at W about our trees and shouts at our dogs when they are barking.
He is also an unbelievable smoothy so lots of people think he is really nice. He has not said a harsh word to me or even given me a sideways look, well not quite.
But you know how you just get a feeling about people? Well we have that in spades and although I am a bit more likely to give people a chance W can smell a liar at 100 paces and she smelt him from the word go.
So maybe we are being petty, all I know is that it is a huge disappointment. So we will be polite from now on, but he ain't getting any more free eggs!:mad:
Metal Hydride tanks @Stanleysteamer

it’s a great subject for the gray matter cells,
Oh and the rotary engine runs great on it:)

Jeez you are setting me homework today!
And by rotary I am assuming you mean Wankel?
I had a cousin with a Wankel engined car (Jap thing I think) it ran great, for a while but they are poor on fuel consumption and if you don't look after the tips.........I have seen how you can kind of bank them together like adding slices of bread to a sandwich. Bit like putting bike engines in kit cars, well not really like but the idea of generating a lot of power in a small space.
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