I got one of these this week. We only has a tiny bbq, can you put it on the coals? Should I wet the wood chips?
Ta :)
If you've got a barbie that takes coals etc why don't you just put woodchips directly on the coals? Or would that make too much smoke?
Have to admit I have never done this before just used both types of baerbie in a normal way.
But we have a friend who cooks duck steaks on a barbie fired by vine stems and they taste feckin delish!
(His barbie is a brick built jobbie)
They recommend the wood chips are soaked for 30 mins before putting in the box.
The box can go on the coals or on the griddle. If it is on the coals then it is difficult to refile while cooking though. :)
If you've got a barbie that takes coals etc why don't you just put woodchips directly on the coals? Or would that make too much smoke?
Have to admit I have never done this before just used both types of baerbie in a normal way.
But we have a friend who cooks duck steaks on a barbie fired by vine stems and they taste feckin delish!
(His barbie is a brick built jobbie)
You can just put the chips on the coals, but in most barbies they are going to burn really quickly, you want them smouldering and smoking not on fire and burning up quickly.
If you have a smoker BBQ and are cooking low & slow then you can put large lumps of smoking wood scattered in amongst the charcoal lumps.
I think the box really helps to get some decent longer-term smoking going on.
Decided to spend a few bob on TRV's for all of the rooms in the house.
There's only the 2 of us living here so I ought to be able to turn all of the unoccupied rooms right down to minimum setting just to keep the damp out.
Maybe it will save on the overall heating bill, maybe not.
It does save money in winter, I have bathroom on a just warm setting (cool) as I shower in the day and only nip in and out so no need to keep it at room temp, bedroom on low as well but notched up a bit about an hour before bed, Kitchen on medium and living room at 23 degrees, works well if you keep doors shut.
It does save money in winter, I have bathroom on a just warm setting (cool) as I shower in the day and only nip in and out so no need to keep it at room temp, bedroom on low as well but notched up a bit about an hour before bed, Kitchen on medium and living room at 23 degrees, works well if you keep doors shut.
I am hoping that fitting one in the lounge where the (wood-burner is) will provide the auto-switch off that's needed when the burner is on.
The other rooms could do with some regulation as we are not using them and there is no point heating rooms you don't use; you can't let them get cold and damp but don't need them "toasty" warm either.
Another thing is that walking around in Jeans & a T-Shirt isn't what I was brought up on. Vest, Shirt & Jumper was the norm and we have become oh so used to it.
It may save a few bob.
if you keep doors shut.

And therein lies the problem;).

We like our bathrooms toasty all the time, small rooms so no problem if the door is shut:rolleyes:. All our rooms have thermostats (except ensuites) the unused rooms are turned right down.
The small ensuite is often cold cos its trying to heat the bedroom:rolleyes:.

Most people heat their houses too much (in my thinking)

I remember waking up in the morning as a kid with ice on the inside of the windows:eek:. My bed was against the chimney breast so at least I had a little warm place to put me feet when I went too bed:).

And therein lies the problem;).

We like our bathrooms toasty all the time, small rooms so no problem if the door is shut:rolleyes:. All our rooms have thermostats (except ensuites) the unused rooms are turned right down.
The small ensuite is often cold cos its trying to heat the bedroom:rolleyes:.

Most people heat their houses too much (in my thinking)

I remember waking up in the morning as a kid with ice on the inside of the windows:eek:. My bed was against the chimney breast so at least I had a little warm place to put me feet when I went too bed:).

Yup, frost patterning on the inside of the window, and your breath all "steamy" in the room you slept in.
I remember getting dressed under the covers of my blankets before emerging. :)
Wifey ordered some sheets etc from Dawsons as they are having a sale, and accidentally :)rolleyes:) got it down for delivery to our place in the UK.
Then she tried to get it delivered to her dottirs, no reply to emails.
We were given the option to designate a neighbour and get it delivered there, I organised that with the neighbour. Still no show.
Now down as "being returned to Dawsons"
I think it may be because only she can order £357 of sheets etc and not notice that the order stated, "there will need to be a signature on delivery".
All good fun.
Wifey ordered some sheets etc from Dawsons as they are having a sale, and accidentally :)rolleyes:) got it down for delivery to our place in the UK.
Then she tried to get it delivered to her dottirs, no reply to emails.
We were given the option to designate a neighbour and get it delivered there, I organised that with the neighbour. Still no show.
Now down as "being returned to Dawsons"
I think it may be because only she can order £357 of sheets etc and not notice that the order stated, "there will need to be a signature on delivery".
All good fun.
PMSL that is a classic. My wife joined a club to get a "tree face" cheaply for <£40. Didn't notice that to get the offer you ticked a box that committed you "Club Membership" of £15/Month.
After 6 Months I asked "WTF is this on our account?". Red face because that 1 ornament purchase had now cost £39.99 + (6 * £15). I was not amused either. She is now barred from all online ordering.

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