Right before I forget this time .

taken a few years ago with the camera.




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Morning all :D
Another lovely day. Summer of '22 will be in the record books for sure. :)
I ache from all my exercising (esp. the lower back) but its probably a good set of aches. :)
I can bend my arms again without them hurting, so we can give them another going over. :)
Saw the Chiropractor yesterday so the neck is a bit sore today (just to add to it all). :(
But we are all good. Have a lovely day. :D
Gonna be fecking hot today. The pool party is off due to one person having had to had sudden heart work (2 stents and others having both the plumber and the "cuisiniste" in. (Kitchen fitter).
So we have decided to give ourselves a 4 day holiday which will include celebrating the day we met (32 years ago!) with dinner out. The pool is at 28 degrees and rising, Actually got the barbecue out and cleaned up, (twas only dust).
(Only really enjoy barbie food if it's done over wood embers to give it flavour, ours is gas, :rolleyes::(, but it'll do me a good steak and W some nice "brochettes".) so for a little while our "holiday home" actooly will be one!
Have a lovely day folks!:):):):):)
Gonna be fecking hot today. The pool party is off due to one person having had to had sudden heart work (2 stents and others having both the plumber and the "cuisiniste" in. (Kitchen fitter).
So we have decided to give ourselves a 4 day holiday which will include celebrating the day we met (32 years ago!) with dinner out. The pool is at 28 degrees and rising, Actually got the barbecue out and cleaned up, (twas only dust).
(Only really enjoy barbie food if it's done over wood embers to give it flavour, ours is gas, :rolleyes::(, but it'll do me a good steak and W some nice "brochettes".) so for a little while our "holiday home" actooly will be one!
Have a lovely day folks!:):):):):)
Get a smoke box to put on the griddle, it works well. :)
Amazon product
Get a smoke box to put on the griddle, it works well. :)
Amazon product

Sadly "currently unavailable" but it looks simple enough to make summat like that, if I could be assed!
I did think about just chucking some wood chips onto a plate of steel and placing it over the burners.
I'll have a look to see if the frogs have anything like it.
Ta mate!:):):)
I got one of these this week. We only has a tiny bbq, can you put it on the coals? Should I wet the wood chips?
Ta :)
They recommend the wood chips are soaked for 30 mins before putting in the box.
The box can go on the coals or on the griddle. If it is on the coals then it is difficult to refill while cooking though. :)
I liked the applewood & the whisky-barrel chips more than the hickory.

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