Nice n sunny here today heres todays freebee :D:D
A noo fire pit for oot the back..
Yeers ago when eye wur a nippa the teachairs sed eye cuddunt spel. They made me take wurds ome ter lurn. It wur boring un ment eye had less time to wotch telly un play wiv me toys. When back at scool they tested me wivvem. Ah din't do very well. They sed ah wunt gerranny where int life wivvoot lurnin ter spel. How fik they be. Many yeers layter we creaytid spel chekers to do it for yer. Me teachairs dint spot that was gunner appen. All them missed ours ov kids telly. When that ended eye wotched the open university ont bbc2. Then got back to buildering fings int lego.
Yeers ago when eye wur a nippa the teachairs sed eye cuddunt spel. They made me take wurds ome ter lurn. It wur boring un ment eye had less time to wotch telly un play wiv me toys. When back at scool they tested me wivvem. Ah din't do very well. They sed ah wunt gerranny where int life wivvoot lurnin ter spel. How fik they be. Many yeers layter we creaytid spel chekers to do it for yer. Me teachairs dint spot that was gunner appen. All them missed ours ov kids telly. When that ended eye wotched the open university ont bbc2. Then got back to buildering fings int lego.

Your shpelln has came on leeps n bounds :D

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