The sun did come out and i am back in for a lunchtime break and avoiding the midday sun (by the sun not the clock).
Just heard a friend we see about twice a week has got Covid.:eek::eek::eek:
We'll give it a coupla days then test ourselves.
Have to feel sorry for them as they are a Dutch couple and a couple of Dutch friends of theirs have only just arrived to spend a holiday with them!:(:(:(

... prices dropped even further to 167.9p. It means it's almost 20p cheaper for unleaded at Bailey's Garage than the UK average (187.19p per litre, according to the RAC's fuel watch figures). The garage's cost for diesel is tempting for motorists too - the difference of 10.98p is less stark though still noticeable with Bailey's selling it for 184.9p against a UK average of 195.88p...

... prices dropped even further to 167.9p. It means it's almost 20p cheaper for unleaded at Bailey's Garage than the UK average (187.19p per litre, according to the RAC's fuel watch figures). The garage's cost for diesel is tempting for motorists too - the difference of 10.98p is less stark though still noticeable with Bailey's selling it for 184.9p against a UK average of 195.88p...
Yes, that was the petrol station that I was referring to. :)
The lying, twisting, unfaithful baggage that married my son 4 years ago today and declared "it was a **** marriage and an awful 10 years of being together and that she was in love more than she had ever loved him" is now all weepy and "I'm sorry...I can't live without you I'm going to kill myself". :mad:
He phoned us yesterday asking his Mum for advice, she told him to seek professional help for her (I would be suggesting she be section 14'ed myself, but that's just me).
If he falls for this manipulative hogwash I will probably strangle him myself, and his best mate has promised to come over and give him a kicking. :)

Id tell her to crack on, catch ye love see ya....

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