Eye now understands wot the 'her she' fing is about. Parrently, there be some cross dressers that gerrupset at not looking like they want to be viewed. Fink hairy fat blokes wivva beer gut wanting to be britney spears, and dressing up in one of her provocative costumes. Makeup anorl, burrits norrinuff to convince yer that said bloke is a wimmins, so he would put 'she her' on his badge, to indicate how he would prefer to be viewed. Simples.
Rather hot today, as it will be for the next fortnite,
Our temps will be between these two lots as we are at an altitude between the two.


So suffice it to say, bleedin hot.
Just finished the village barbecue held on the "Stade" just opposite our place.
Good time was had by all. Eats and booze a-flowin. Good chats with neighbours and friends who were born in the village. Each time we learn a little bit more.
Twas fun.
Don't expect to be doin much else today!!
Me rasberry plant is still doing ok. Much betterer now the weed has been removed from its pot. It looked like another rasberry tree but in the last week it growed leefs with dark patches int middle. Edgar said it should be removed. Me lupins are gerrin biggerer anorl. They may have to go in their own pots soon. Me nettles are starting to grow back. The ones eye aint dug oot are growing into the dug patch. Eye will hafter get back to it. But eye dunt like the heat so it will be late at nite when it gets done.

Been lookin at grass sheers int sainsberrys. 22 sovs down to about 18. Fort about it but not somefink eye really need. Some weeks later they're down to 13.2 sovs. Only 2 left. Bingo. It does pay to delay buying garden stuff. Compost was arf price at omebase recently. Un there was me finkin 3 for 30 and 20% oft was good. Will know fer
For many months sainsberrys aint bin selling bread crum unyun rings int frozen section. Not keen on the batturd ones. For some time they dint have kneever. Then the batturd ones came back, which gave home the bread crum ones may return anorl. 2 months have pasted and they still aint ere yet. That pootin is causing a lorra trouble. So eye has given in to the battle ov wits and bortid some batturd unyun rings the week.
Slept all afternoon while W trimmed a dog, by hand with scissors as that is the only way she'll let it be done. (The dog that is!)
So swept up the mountain of fur while she watered the veg etc.
She has bought a box set of Audrey Hepburn movies. So we were "treated" to "Paris - when it sizzles!".:rolleyes:
Off to bed soon.
Sleep well folks!

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