But why will this upset you, unless it is right by your personal and private "you" space?
Where they put their Hot-Tub might be better than them putting their "dunny" in the same spot perhaps? ;)
It isn't luckily too near the house as that would be a total pain. We had the sense to make the boundary far enough away. It is just that we like our quiet and have built our place so as to not annoy any neighbours. They are already on the "loud music" thing and this is just another annoyance. Also in conversation they agree with us about the garage that the previous neighbours were going to build right on the boundary, 5 metres high, so we planted huge trees to screen it. They seemed to agree about how much land they had and that there was no need to do stuff so close to the boundary, yet here they have gone and done this. With 6000 sq metres? And their house is much further away? I am fervently hoping they are just storing it there but W thinks she has seen piping and electrics to it. Also they tell us they too are going to put a "hangar" on the base the previous lot constructed right on the property line. Despite what they said, so I think they say one thing then do another.
As I said, we are giving them rope at the moment. I think with not having had neighbours for 19 years we have been a bit spoilt.
It's far enough away from us for the pong to not bother us. If their hot tub was further away we'd have no issues. But as many on here prolly know, hot tubs equals silly activities and screaming, like swimming pools and kids, which is partly why we put our pool right at the bottom of our place so any potential neighbours would not be bothered by it. Not that our visitors are like that and our grandkids are all adults now except for two who are extremely sensible. So noise just doesn't happen.
Also we think there is nothing more naff than having one's pool right outside the back door so it is really "in your face" to any visitor.
I wouldn't dream of getting in anyones hot tub. If I want a bath i have one, if i want to swim, I swim in an ornery pool. Totally do not see the attraction.
Eldest step dottir and her new husband have one cos he had it before. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Explains why our nickname for him is "creepy Chris" although this may disappear cos he is getting better all the time, as the Beatles said!

We must be doing something wrong then;). Our Pool/Hot tub parties seem rather quite to what you describe:).
The attraction is the bikinis bubbles and the therapeutics:).

Also a well kept hot tub is just a sanitary as a pool;).

Morning all :D
Another nice day in the offing. :)
I was awakened by the sound of walking down the side of the house @ 05:30 :eek:, so I got up to check we were not being burgled or robbed.
It was the next-door neighbour tramping around in work-boots and moving building materials. :(
Oh for some peace & quiet. :)
Have a good day. :D
We must be doing something wrong then;). Our Pool/Hot tub parties seem rather quite to what you describe:).
The attraction is the bikinis bubbles and the therapeutics:).

Also a well kept hot tub is just a sanitary as a pool;).

Maybe there is hope for us then. But they already make a load of noise just on their own, with the wife shouting down the land to him. Loud music playing.
Never said the tub was dirty did I? Not that I know anything about such things. Just that neither I nor the wife can see the attraction. But many must or you'd have to make your own!! Mind you, theirs does look a bit home made!
We must be doing something wrong then;). Our Pool/Hot tub parties seem rather quite to what you describe:).
The attraction is the bikinis bubbles and the therapeutics:).

Also a well kept hot tub is just a sanitary as a pool;).

Our pool parties can be quite noisy depending on who is invited. When our grandkids were young they made plenty of noise, though actual screaming, they were told, would lead to it being closed, so they didn't.
So this is partly why we put it as far from the road and the house including the neighbour's house as possible, about 80 metres away. Thinking about it, with a hot tub there is prolly a lot less running and jumping in and out!
Quiet on here today!!
We celebrated the passing of the Bojo by going on a massive shop in Castres. W bought 3 bras in a sale, nothing fits like a Frog bra!!!
Dins out and outside too, lovely, then off to do battle at the health food shop for her gluten free stuff, (eyewatering as usual) then hit Auchan with two trollies. My credit card fainted and we only just managed to cram it all into the Pluriel. Thank God we only do this once a month.
Tis hot and will be getting hotter.
hope you all had a good day.
Oh yes, nearly forgot, heard that some poor working bloke, resurfacing, got killed at the end of our road in the UK, not 200 yds from our house, driver is in clink and may get charged with manslaughter or causing death by dangerous driving. Our road is a dead quiet road in a residential estate. No one not going to a house here drives though. We are a bit shocked. :(:(:(
anyway, sleep well folks!

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