Can't believe the political news, will the last member of the cabinet to leave kindly switch the lights, and Boris's pacemeaker, off!
FFS, what country are we living in.;)

Think of the choice of next Leader of the Tory Twats ...

Look at the calibre of candidates ... I think Gove fancies his chances since his 'et tu, Brute' moment ...
I gathered as mulch!
and we are only here on holiday, rumour has it! I'll let you know when that starts.
As for the stinkhorn smelly dick, we have shed loads of twigs leaves etc etc, we pile them up next to our shed on their boundary, so loads of rotting stuff. We are not allowed to burn here and there is far too much to simply put in the Disco and cart doon the toon to the dump. So as there is no smell as yet i have to assume that the spores don't pop up much around here. Which may be a good thing but i am beginning to think we may b-need to get some!:D:D:D
Is waging biological warfare on the neebs ethical? :D
Think of the choice of next Leader of the Tory Twats ...

Look at the calibre of candidates ... I think Gove fancies his chances since his 'et tu, Brute' moment ...
Of all the Tories including Rees-Mogg, there is no one I would like more to take a cricket bat to, than that complete and utter tw@t face, Gove.
Yet another self-seeking, feckin hack.
If he got the job I really do think I'd consider emigrating.
...anyway, was ponderin in the bath how marvelous and amusing nature is.
Year after year we plant up the poly tunnel in much the same way.
Or rather W does as its her "thang".
She plants lettuce, radishes, courgettes, peppers both hot and ornery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, aubergines and "cornichons" (gherkins) and other stuff I have forgotten like herbs etc.
Year on year some do better than others.
This year, for the first time ever we are getting flooded out with aubergines yet the courgettes, which normally take the place over like triffids are really struggling. Why?
the cheerry toms are fab, we eat them like sweeties as do our neighbours. Never tasted any so sweet as the ones we grow. The peppers aren't doing that well yet the cornichons are doing brill. Lettuce loads of. radishes too, and cucumbers.
Salad is the main dinner dish a lot of the time.
But do wish we could get to the bottom of the disparity. We rotate their positions religiously etc.
Normally we struggle to get many aubergines.......
Anyway, who cares, it's all lovely and tasty and almost free!
We have used all the soft fruits we can although there are still masses of currants of three colours on the bushes. The apples are already looking to be the biggest crop we have ever had and the damsons are now being picked so we'll be jammin like Bob Marley yet again this weekend.
Meanwhile I have nearly finished lifting, re cementing and replacing the subsided slabs around the pool. Had to do over twice what I first thought I would have to. Thanks Mr feckin Mole. So we still have to finish doing the joints with this amazing jointing sand. It is great but SO slow. We have 420 slabs to do so you can imagine. W is on it now and appreciating how much effort it took for me to have done what I did. But we are determined that this will be this summer's job with the goal of seeing the back of most of the weeds that greet us each time we come back.
Big shopping and meal out day in Castres tomoz so not really work,nice!
Sleep well folks!
Well i was about to go out so I thought I'd let others have a pop for me!
Thanks @Brown ;)

Remember what stinks for them does for you too;). Don't know if Jack fruit grows in Europe but its an acquired taste apparently;).

Who gives a poop!
We are still in the "give them enough rope" stage. Sincerely would love to have decent neighbours, and as he is a Landy freak we thought we may have got it cracked, but she is Miss Bossy Boots 2022, so the jury is still well out.:(:(

Sorry for that, Getting good neighbor's is not easy.

Cant you get an invite too a hot tub party then wizz in it:D.

That our new feckin neighbours have plonked a hot tub down about 10 feet from our fence, when they have 6000 sq metres to play with.
Beginning to deffo not like them. :(:(:(
But why will this upset you, unless it is right by your personal and private "you" space?
Where they put their Hot-Tub might be better than them putting their "dunny" in the same spot perhaps? ;)
Remember what stinks for them does for you too;). Don't know if Jack fruit grows in Europe but its an acquired taste apparently;).

Sorry for that, Getting good neighbor's is not easy.

Cant you get an invite too a hot tub party then wizz in it:D.

It's far enough away from us for the pong to not bother us. If their hot tub was further away we'd have no issues. But as many on here prolly know, hot tubs equals silly activities and screaming, like swimming pools and kids, which is partly why we put our pool right at the bottom of our place so any potential neighbours would not be bothered by it. Not that our visitors are like that and our grandkids are all adults now except for two who are extremely sensible. So noise just doesn't happen.
Also we think there is nothing more naff than having one's pool right outside the back door so it is really "in your face" to any visitor.
I wouldn't dream of getting in anyones hot tub. If I want a bath i have one, if i want to swim, I swim in an ornery pool. Totally do not see the attraction.
Eldest step dottir and her new husband have one cos he had it before. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Explains why our nickname for him is "creepy Chris" although this may disappear cos he is getting better all the time, as the Beatles said!

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