TT is up and running ...

So had most of yessdi off, after family went back to Paree.
So today got stuck into the changing of the water-pump.
Not a pleasant job as so fiddly and so much needed to be shifted out of the way. took about 6 hours, with interruptions.
Hopefully all OK now. Test it properly tomoz.
Lappy allegedly mended but the blokey had to update it to Windows 10 and he said a lot, about 10%, of the images had been corrupted, which is weird as although my lappy was slow, once up and running there was never any problem looking at my pics. He's trying to convince me that my original hard drive was damaged.
Dunno what or who to believe. I'll certainly tell him to give me my old hard drive so I can look at it.
So, new hard drive 500 gig, etc etc.
I'm hoping all my pics have been backed up to my special separate back up disc drive that does it automatically, in the UK, and I know that the ones I took this year so far are still in the camera on the SD card.
...that I asked Mr. Chiropractor why every morning I hear what sounds like a stick trying to stir a bucket of broken seashells when I move my head and he said that its my neck's damage not wanting to accommodate movement.
Apparently, I can leave it all alone and end up with an ability to only move my head a little (L-R/Up-Down) by a few degrees OR I can make concerted efforts to try to break these adhesions and stir up the noisy bits and retain more movement. So I am trying to adopt a bobble-head approach to life.
Ohhhhh Yes.......
...that I asked Mr. Chiropractor why every morning I hear what sounds like a stick trying to stir a bucket of broken seashells when I move my head and he said that its my neck's damage not wanting to accommodate movement.
Apparently, I can leave it all alone and end up with an ability to only move my head a little (L-R/Up-Down) by a few degrees OR I can make concerted efforts to try to break these adhesions and stir up the noisy bits and retain more movement. So I am trying to adopt a bobble-head approach to life.
Ohhhhh Yes.......

Get him to give you the 'nodding' exercises, to the left nod to chin on shoulder, right same and lift chin and rotate head ... :eek::D

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