Just got in from garage, putting shiny painted toys together that father Xmas brought:)
Bet he was glad to get all that weight off his sleigh:D. His miles/ nose bag couldn’t have been good:eek:

Oh and I ate too much yesterday:oops:

Well, ere we are, done for annuver year an wunnerin wit orl de fuss were about.
Had dottir an ma round yesserdi.... Atcherly, ignore the above. :)
Watched BFG earlier, reckon ims a LR owner. Talks like @Hippo I reckon? Course he wouldn't fit in a teensy lil Ippo would e? :p
When the fonk izzit goin a get cold down ere?
All the best @Knappster, hope you're on form soon.
Try to ignore the complexity and think simple like a tratterer. Each day tis a new day..
Gawd bless H, where would us simples be without you.
Hoping tomorrow is betterer, or at least no worse than tday.
Sloe gin ramble done. Peace. :D
Yup. I feel an afternoon nap coming on already. If ah dun't get up now I'll waste several hours doing nowt and still feel tired. So am getting up now.

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