Stime ter wishes orl uf me frend a nappi krimbo an ter selibrates ver hannuhal rebirf oft sun, fower daze arter longestez neet.
Have a rollicking good Christmas and Festive Season to one and all, and remember to put some Vaseline on your Hippos to prevent the doors falling off if they get slightly damp.
Whale oil beef hooked. Now uz buys be livin in t'age uv snowflakery, uz never thort uz'd find "Khartoum" ont televisor come Christmas day.
Eggses et. Dogs dun. Logs in and fire laid. Best get kookin fer me brother what is hikin doan frum t'frozen north (Nuneaton that is) Still, he 'as a hippo too so he'll make it whatever t'weather chooks at im.

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