Happy to report I have pedalled about 14 miles this week - spread over 4 days :D. Which is about twice wot I have done in me tratter. Gluteus Maximus is hardening up and the pain is less each day - but a gel pad is on the wish list.
Well done! The road to recovery is always problematic. Are you able to do any squats? This exercise targets the glutes quite well.
I was e-assisted this week but we did about 20 miles each day and the movement is still exercising the muscles. The M.O. that seems to be in play is "cycle for 1 to 1.5 hours" - STOP & have tea/Coffee & cake then repeat. :D
...Afternoon all :D
The cycle tour was a bit of a disaster. :(
Day one: We met at the Park & Ride in St. Ives and rode into town for Breakfast and then set off for Cambridge, but we did not get there. :(
For some unknown reason my RH front wheel suffered a progressive collapse with 7 spokes snapping (6 on one side and one on the other side:eek: ). :(
My companion was very much NOT AMUSED and it looked like the trip was over before it had really begun. We swapped spokes from the bad side to the "not-so-bad" side and limped back to the park and ride.
Luckily my friend had brought a strange wheel with him (in the car) for us to try out a new tool on and it just happened to have spokes that were of a length that could be used to effect a repair. :)
Day two: Was uneventful and a decent number of miles were done, and so he stopped scowling at me.
Day 3 (today): This morning we packed up everything except the trikes and did another little 12 mile trip before returning to the camp site and loading the trikes up and going home.
I will be remaking both front wheels with new tyres, tubes and spokes (+ spares) for Holland (if we are going).
So not the happy trip I was expecting, but that's life. :rolleyes:
So sorry for you mate. I know how important your tricycling is to you.
Eye has spottid the occasional ayfid near me roses. They is still indoors. Just realised there be about 7. Fink eye need some ov that sticky fly paper.

Me unyuns are about 1 to 6 inches in height. Me biggererist loopin is 8 inch. Me delfinnyums is much slower at only an inch. They were planted later but still slower than loopins.

Me unyuns need to go into biggerer pots. Ah dun't want to make a veg patch oot side so eye is finkin of growing em in pots. Square ones 40cm square un 30cm deep. 9 per pot me finks.
Re aphids, I have heard that spraying the plant with diluted washing up liquid helps and don't hurt the plant. Not often I give gardening advice. I'd Google it first to check!
As you'll prolly have guessed not only is my lappy u/s at the moment but we lost the landline for the past 3 days.
So this is coming to you from the Kyriad in Chateauroux.
Weather has been stinking hot recently.
The immensely good news is that the gunk I slung into the cooling system seems to be holding. So fingers still crossed for the rest of the journey.
Enjoy your Sunday evening folks!!!:):)

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