Well, there will be a time when I want to go, so I can potter about building a house and planting vegetables whilst I'm still hale and hearty enough to enjoy doing so. But it's better to do so at a moment of one's own choosing. A few more years pension build-up would be nice. Finding work has never been too much of a problem for me - there are always people asking me to do stuff. But at the moment I'm in a position where I can actually use some of the experience gained in 35 years of working life and get paid a half decent salary for it. I'm a bit old to go back to the gig economy!
I retired at 55 then came back as it was too soon :) but there are days, like today, when I wonder why :)
What does yer fink to these plant pots? 4.5 sovs each int sainsberrys. The hole is 40cm wide. Eye is finkin of using them for me lupins and other fings eye want to grow like roses. Later on fings will be planted in the ground. Eye fink I could put 5x lupins in each one, in a circle.

Is there any way you could get real earthenware ones? I'm not much of a fan of plastic plant pots myself. Obviously I'm not going to be popping round to your garden in person, so you can do what you want. But you don't want to look cheap.
Eye did look at them but thought they would break too easily with them being ceramic, when moving them about.

Well, don't forget the plastic ones often get brittle after a while, with weather and sunlight. I have some earthenware ones that I got 17 years ago which are still serviceable. There's a little bit of spalling round the rims which is probably frost damage, but otherwise they're fine.
Morning all, hot again today.
So far I have had to put a snake out of its misery, checked the bloody level on the ATF fluid yet again and done a tankful of weed-wacking. So resting in the shade wiv a cold drink, non-alcoholic!
The snake had somehow got into the cage where we grow raspberries, usually, but not for the past 2 years. It had got itself completely tied up in a corner where it had wound itself in and out of the mesh. It was too big for the holes so was stuck. When I got it out it had tied its tail in a figure of 8 knot around a plant in its efforts to pull itself freel:(:(
not too sad, as it might have fancied a hen dinner.
Yesterday,in the heat coming up the mountain the gearbox oil light came on.:mad::mad::mad:. So I had to check that the bloke who did the work on it in the winter had in fact put enough in. He had, so, phew, no more leaks.:):)
Maybe it was the heat, or the temp sensor playing up.
Have a good day folks.:):):)
I got my push bike out of the depths of the garage this morning and gave it a clean-up. And went for a short ride. Then another one. Forgotten how hard it is on the bot :eek:. First ride on it for many years anorl. And I think I may need therapy - I've been looking at the prices of Honda monkey bikes. Dunno why. Help ----
Us boys av sin Ondas Munkees at £3.5k. Ferry collectable now!
....that there is something more infuriating than not being able to find the occasional-use, specialist tool that you know you put somewhere you wouldn't forget coz you can never find it on the rare occasion that you actually do need it.
...and that is finding the main part...but not the bit that you really need to make it work! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

In this case it is a caliper winder-backer.....and I am bu66ered if I can find the plate that holds it against the caliper itself.
....that there is something more infuriating than not being able to find the occasional-use, specialist tool that you know you put somewhere you wouldn't forget coz you can never find it on the rare occasion that you actually do need it.
...and that is finding the main part...but not the bit that you really need to make it work! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

In this case it is a caliper winder-backer.....and I am bu66ered if I can find the plate that holds it against the caliper itself.
....that there is something more infuriating than not being able to find the occasional-use, specialist tool that you know you put somewhere you wouldn't forget coz you can never find it on the rare occasion that you actually do need it.
...and that is finding the main part...but not the bit that you really need to make it work! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

In this case it is a caliper winder-backer.....and I am bu66ered if I can find the plate that holds it against the caliper itself.
I've only ever used a tyre lever. Cos it works and I know where they are. Usually :D
I got my push bike out of the depths of the garage this morning and gave it a clean-up. And went for a short ride. Then another one. Forgotten how hard it is on the bot :eek:. First ride on it for many years anorl. And I think I may need therapy - I've been looking at the prices of Honda monkey bikes. Dunno why. Help ----

Did you have the seat fitted? Without it, it would be a bit sore on the botty :rolleyes:

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