Mornin volks. Us boys wuz tu river arown dawn an twaz propper vrosty, ice cristles on us wellies. Be a gude job us nivver tilled us runner beens urly this year! Hippocrates luvs a cold mornin, course, bein the viromen he wuz born vor. Us be doan the shed smornin tu vinnish a fool pimp projek, then mowin grass iffn be drai nuff. Wishin orl us frens a gude dai!
Me and edgar went to his homebase yesdi. It's biggerer than mine. There wern't any crispmus tree's. We looked at the plants. They had 25 sov roses down to 5 sovs on the clearance shelf. Eye fink they were poorly but not sure if wurf buying.

Edgar picked imself some soil. 3 bags of 120L fer 30 sovs. 9 sov discount. We also gottid some more resolva weed killa which was buy one get one free. Gottid 4. And a little watering can which will be softer on me baby flower's fer 4 sovs.

The had bags ov farm muck. Eye int too sure if me plants would like some of that or not so eye left it there.
Best thing we have done is go away for 6 months. Gas turned off, leccy keeping one freezer alive plus a lickle bit to run a light and a radio on a timer to rather pathetically convince burgulars that we are in.
Plus a coupla intruder lights.
Here in Froggy land where the leccy is much cheaper at night we put washing machine and dishwasher on at night. Saves a bit we hope!
Yer but not but buying a second home in a different country is always going to cost more than yer energy bills. Even if they goes up in october. So yer worser oft financially.
I have just paid for the oil fill at a mere £1120 but that will las for at least 6 months. Electricity is just for lighting etc. and that bill is quite low - or was until my newly imposed-upon-me OVO company decided I was a good savings bank for them. See my other post.
I have had simular. The regulator has asked all suppliers to consider their customer accounts and how likely they will go over drawed. When doing this they realise yer current direct debit won't cover yer energy costs, for that year. So the direct debit goes up. Theory of doing it now is to balance out the cost over the year. They is worried when peeps put the heating on in october it will suddenly hit them with high monthly usage. So sharing the cost over the coning months. Tis not personal. They has run an algorithm across all accounts and made calculations based on the results.
I have had simular. The regulator has asked all suppliers to consider their customer accounts and how likely they will go over drawed. When doing this they realise yer current direct debit won't cover yer energy costs, for that year. So the direct debit goes up. Theory of doing it now is to balance out the cost over the year. They is worried when peeps put the heating on in october it will suddenly hit them with high monthly usage. So sharing the cost over the coning months. Tis not personal. They has run an algorithm across all accounts and made calculations based on the results.
All this I do undestand BUT it is time for them to check on the accuracy of their algorithm! My account is NEVER in debit or in a neutral balance!! I am always at least £200 in CREDIT even AFTER they have taken their quarterly share!! Hence my indignation, which has now turned to rage, after receiving both emails and letters insinuating that my meter readings are 'inaccurate'. To add fuel to the fire, they then said that they would send an engineer to put me on a Smart meter. :mad::mad::mad::mad: The account in still in credit to the tune of at least £380 after they have taken out an increased May monthly payment to start the new quarter.
My leccy useage (no gas) is so low, (highly insulated bungalow and only me now ) 'they' almost accused me of sending in false numbers. Twice in a week they have asked me, by letter, to send in meter readings. Needless to say I contacted them and after apologising to the minion on the end of the line that I was not refering to him or wished him any malace, I let fly with all barrels open!
AFTER paying the final amount before SSE changed to OVO, my account was still £268 IN CREDIT and I object to being classed as 'someone liable to get into debt!!!! They have already changed the DD from £63 to £104 - they obviously regard me as their Savings Bank. Their answer was that they would send an engineer and put a Smart meter in. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: You can image my reply to that. I have demanded an email from them to apologise for their dreadful customer service and they have a week before I close the account and change supplier. They are on borrowed time I think.

They may insist on a smart meter and then find you have no Wi-Fi / mobile signal, so they are up the creek with that idea ...
All this I do undestand BUT it is time for them to check on the accuracy of their algorithm! My account is NEVER in debit or in a neutral balance!! I am always at least £200 in CREDIT even AFTER they have taken their quarterly share!! Hence my indignation, which has now turned to rage, after receiving both emails and letters insinuating that my meter readings are 'inaccurate'. To add fuel to the fire, they then said that they would send an engineer to put me on a Smart meter. :mad::mad::mad::mad: The account in still in credit to the tune of at least £380 after they have taken out an increased May monthly payment to start the new quarter.
"Smart Meters" are all about the introduction of differential pricing, nothing more. You will use what you use, you don't have the option to turn the fridge/freezer off or watch live TV at a different time. What they want is the mechanism to charge more at peak times. There will be no off-setting of paying less at slack times, its just another rip-off. All utilities should be government run at cost + investment and not for paying fat dividends to shareholders (foreign or domestic) IMHO. /rant. ;)
All this I do undestand BUT it is time for them to check on the accuracy of their algorithm! My account is NEVER in debit or in a neutral balance!! I am always at least £200 in CREDIT even AFTER they have taken their quarterly share!! Hence my indignation, which has now turned to rage, after receiving both emails and letters insinuating that my meter readings are 'inaccurate'. To add fuel to the fire, they then said that they would send an engineer to put me on a Smart meter. :mad::mad::mad::mad: The account in still in credit to the tune of at least £380 after they have taken out an increased May monthly payment to start the new quarter.
Ovo push for smart meters but yer don't have to have one. Just say no and when contacted for an appointment, say no or ignore if yer dun't want one.

Eye dun't use much energy and they questioned my usage anorl. They all do it so yer next supplier will be the same if yer move.
"Smart Meters" are all about the introduction of differential pricing, nothing more. You will use what you use, you don't have the option to turn the fridge/freezer off or watch live TV at a different time. What they want is the mechanism to charge more at peak times. There will be no off-setting of paying less at slack times, its just another rip-off. All utilities should be government run at cost + investment and not for paying fat dividends to shareholders (foreign or domestic) IMHO. /rant. ;)
It's not a rip oft. They have to supply and run kit to cover peak usage. If the peak were to fall, it would reduce their operational costs. As home owners we're heavily protected against the generating cost of electric varying through the day. High peak is over 100 times more than oft peak. Typical peak is lower than high peak, but still a lot more than is could be. Large users buy direct so avoiding supplier like ovo as they're buying from the same mechanism. They hit with the true unit cost.
It's not a rip oft. They have to supply and run kit to cover peak usage. If the peak were to fall, it would reduce their operational costs. As home owners we're heavily protected against the generating cost of electric varying through the day. High peak is over 100 times more than oft peak. Typical peak is lower than high peak, but still a lot more than is could be. Large users buy direct so avoiding supplier like ovo as they're buying from the same mechanism. They hit with the true unit cost.
Sorry, not buying it. Wholesale pricing is there because it more accurately reflects the true cost per Kw with a profit margin to cover maintenance and overheads. The wholesalers then add their mark-up and sell it to us (the original owners of the whole system) at "retail" which is a further profit to enable them to cover their costs and shareholders perks etc. etc. The one paying too much is the end-user consumer. Because the middle layer was created by city spivs to make sure that the people's assets got stolen and middle-men got rich. Its the Capitalist/Conservative way. ;)
Sorry, not buying it. Wholesale pricing is there because it more accurately reflects the true cost per Kw with a profit margin to cover maintenance and overheads. The wholesalers then add their mark-up and sell it to us (the original owners of the whole system) at "retail" which is a further profit to enable them to cover their costs and shareholders perks etc. etc. The one paying too much is the end-user consumer. Because the middle layer was created by city spivs to make sure that the people's assets got stolen and middle-men got rich. Its the Capitalist/Conservative way. ;)
The last time i asked a large buyer how much they paid per unit was about 5 years ago. It was 32 sovs per kwh. Think cheapest was around 0.07 sovs. Thats the difference in variation through the day and year. Priced heavily at true peak to get heavy users to reduce at peak times. We as the end buyer dun't get a direct hit with that cost.

The middle men are heavily regulated. If they make too much profit then the regulator clamps down on them. Dun't ferget there's a need for someone to run yer account and sort out payment. There will always be a cost for that function and a need to do it. And peeps in a call centre. And everyfink else they need to run a company.

Shareholders... those who borrow money to the company to finance its cash flow, and take the risk of losing it all if the company folds. Dividends limited by the regulator keeping an eye on profits in the background. If there were no shareholders then the company would have to finance itself with borrowing, with interest on top.

Eye fink splitting up the day with more price breaks would be a good fing. Eye could choose to avoid the peaks and pay less. My employers meter gives a reading every 15 minnits. But we use loads of energy every day.
Ovo push for smart meters but yer don't have to have one. Just say no and when contacted for an appointment, say no or ignore if yer dun't want one.

Eye dun't use much energy and they questioned my usage anorl. They all do it so yer next supplier will be the same if yer move.
My anger is their doubting my meter reading 'cos they think it is too low so they ''are going to send an engineer to fit a smart meter''. No such thing as asking me for my permission about which they have been told 'no' already.
Yer but not but buying a second home in a different country is always going to cost more than yer energy bills. Even if they goes up in october. So yer worser oft financially.
Course it is!!!!!!!!!
Paying standing charges in both countries on their own is not cheap. But it's nice having the second home and if the worst comes to the worst we sells it and hopefully makes a profit. Not that we intend to do it, at least not soon!!
and fink what we save on not paying for hotels or gites or whatever!!

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