... I went out on the trike (now with e-assist), its still carp and I am struggling. :(
Something really odd has happened in just a year, all of my lower body strength and stamina is just "gone".
Chiro says its nerve damage in my neck and signals are blocked/diminished so the muscles aren't firing fully.
All I know is that it is a bit depressing to go from active and strong to weary & weak. :(
If y'all remember this time last year I was buildering like a demon, shifting tons of stuff and working hard.
No chance now.:oops:
Sorry to hear that Dan, I think we all remember you doing the barn and your sons place at the same time! I hope you recover more of your strength via exercise etc.
... I went out on the trike (now with e-assist), its still carp and I am struggling. :(
Something really odd has happened in just a year, all of my lower body strength and stamina is just "gone".
Chiro says its nerve damage in my neck and signals are blocked/diminished so the muscles aren't firing fully.
All I know is that it is a bit depressing to go from active and strong to weary & weak. :(
If y'all remember this time last year I was buildering like a demon, shifting tons of stuff and working hard.
No chance now.:oops:
Only licked that cos its the rools. Must say that I still do a lot of hard physical at 68, but need more rest afterwards than I used to. Half a day is normal, a full day on odd occasions. But I am well aware that one day the body will say enough, have a rest.
@DanClarke I have put up a video using my Centec 2B, hopefully it will inspire you to get into the workshop and keep your mind off things.

Still waiting for a collet-chuck. Last seller bailed on the deal and refunded. :(
Current one says it is shipped, but not arrived yet (any time till May 23rd). :rolleyes:
I have no real confidence in it arriving at all.
... I went out on the trike (now with e-assist), its still carp and I am struggling. :(
Something really odd has happened in just a year, all of my lower body strength and stamina is just "gone".
Chiro says its nerve damage in my neck and signals are blocked/diminished so the muscles aren't firing fully.
All I know is that it is a bit depressing to go from active and strong to weary & weak. :(
If y'all remember this time last year I was buildering like a demon, shifting tons of stuff and working hard.
No chance now.:oops:
Only licked this cos it's the rools.
you are still well stronger and more active than me and i have no excuse other than sheer laziness.
Do hope you manage to get some respite from all this and that once the vertebrae etc are realigned that you will recover some of what you had.
i have been told the problem with the thumb and first 2 fingers of my left hand may never recover properly. not a big deal i know, but it is some indication that I understand where you are coming from and deeply sympathise.
Keep on truckin, bro!
Hanging oot me washing this morning and theres a fight in me bush. A burd flys oot with other little burds following it to the next bush then into one me bobbin hides. Eye goes over un claps me paws. Little ones fly oft. Eye fink they were picking on me bobbin. Theres now a bobbin churpin int garden 2 doors down. Been like that all week. Eye finks he's been forced to move oot.
I have returned with a positive outcome this time :)
@My Old Landy
Gissa wave then.. :D
I did, you missed it ;)
There you go again, you big tease!
Have fun, if that's at all possible!:):):)
I did not want to say too much as my daughters car was abandoned in a location that made it vulnerable. I managed to get it working this time and have brought it back here :)
@doriz another car on my lawn, I am fitting in nicely around here!!
I have returned with a positive outcome this time :)

I did, you missed it ;)

I did not want to say too much as my daughters car was abandoned in a location that made it vulnerable. I managed to get it working this time and have brought it back here :)
@doriz another car on my lawn, I am fitting in nicely around here!!
So who drove you down there and followed you back? Mrs. My Old Landy? That's proper that is.
I have returned with a positive outcome this time :)

I did, you missed it ;)

I did not want to say too much as my daughters car was abandoned in a location that made it vulnerable. I managed to get it working this time and have brought it back here :)
@doriz another car on my lawn, I am fitting in nicely around here!!
Good news all round then!:):):)
Our friends, the wife of whom used to work for Moet & Chandon, have just taken our yearly order for champagne and other stuff!
6 bots of Moet&Chandon impérial @ €22.5
2 bots of Knockando 18 yr old @ €29.09
2 bots of Oban 14 yr old @ €31.2
Having had our eyes poked out by the equivalent prices in the UK.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
FFS, how can anyone afford to buy it there?:(:(:(

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