Roll backwards iffits just a few yards. There's lots of automated camera's watching the lane. So it should be closed wiv x's quickly when it see's yer vikkul.Forgot to mention, on the way back, on the M27, where there have been road works for AGES while they were modifying it into a "smart" motorway.
They have now done it, but all along that bit is now a 60mph limit!!!!!!!
So it is like driving through road works all over again.
The 60 mph signs are on a gantry and lit up, but we went through them at about 3 p.m. and they were on.
So, do they ever let it run at 70 mph? Or has the adverse publicity, quite rightly, made em scared to run at 70 mph?
I did say to Wifey, "Suppose you break down a few yards past a refuge going uphill, how are you supposed to make it to the next refuge?"
You can't roll back down what is now the "slow" lane. You can't roll forward the 1/2 mile. So I suppose you just put the hazards on and run?
Even peeps like her who don't do running, they barely walk!
How can anyone, never mind a committee of supposedly learned engineers come up with such a stupid fecking idea.
What can they do, make the uphill bits 20 mph?
I must get my MP to ask a question in the house. Oops, that won't work Chris Chope is a complete Dick head.
I followed a new one on the way home from work. I managed to keep up with him, perhaps it was brokenIf everybody drove a fender they wouldn't need a speed limit
I followed a new one on the way home from work. I managed to keep up with him, perhaps it was broken
Does it make the drivers any smarter? That's the problem on our roadways.Forgot to mention, on the way back, on the M27, where there have been road works for AGES while they were modifying it into a "smart" motorway.
They have now done it, but all along that bit is now a 60mph limit!!!!!!!
So it is like driving through road works all over again.
The 60 mph signs are on a gantry and lit up, but we went through them at about 3 p.m. and they were on.
So, do they ever let it run at 70 mph? Or has the adverse publicity, quite rightly, made em scared to run at 70 mph?
I did say to Wifey, "Suppose you break down a few yards past a refuge going uphill, how are you supposed to make it to the next refuge?"
You can't roll back down what is now the "slow" lane. You can't roll forward the 1/2 mile. So I suppose you just put the hazards on and run?
Even peeps like her who don't do running, they barely walk!
How can anyone, never mind a committee of supposedly learned engineers come up with such a stupid fecking idea.
What can they do, make the uphill bits 20 mph?
I must get my MP to ask a question in the house. Oops, that won't work Chris Chope is a complete Dick head.
Forgot to mention, on the way back, on the M27, where there have been road works for AGES while they were modifying it into a "smart" motorway.
They have now done it, but all along that bit is now a 60mph limit!!!!!!!
So it is like driving through road works all over again.
The 60 mph signs are on a gantry and lit up, but we went through them at about 3 p.m. and they were on.
So, do they ever let it run at 70 mph? Or has the adverse publicity, quite rightly, made em scared to run at 70 mph?
I did say to Wifey, "Suppose you break down a few yards past a refuge going uphill, how are you supposed to make it to the next refuge?"
You can't roll back down what is now the "slow" lane. You can't roll forward the 1/2 mile. So I suppose you just put the hazards on and run?
Even peeps like her who don't do running, they barely walk!
How can anyone, never mind a committee of supposedly learned engineers come up with such a stupid fecking idea.
What can they do, make the uphill bits 20 mph?
I must get my MP to ask a question in the house. Oops, that won't work Chris Chope is a complete Dick head.
It has been a long day but rewarding tomorrow will be even better as I have been offered a big steel plate that will work as a welding table (I managed to get it before @kevstar got there.....)
If everybody drove a fender they wouldn't need a speed limit
There's a lorra wind comin. Yer mite brake a speed record if the doors get blowd oft.If everybody drove a fender they wouldn't need a speed limit
Make sure your dog n bone is fully charged up before the power lines get blowed down -----There's a lorra wind comin.
Well that's the theory.Roll backwards iffits just a few yards. There's lots of automated camera's watching the lane. So it should be closed wiv x's quickly when it see's yer vikkul.
Couldn't agree more.Its a mental stupid idea how long before there's a breakdown then a pile up.
Couldn't agree more.
Maybe it was planning officers that came up with the idea.