Nope, SENSORS, you know the things what make it beep when you get too close?
Still waiting on the CitroenC3 club, as my post has to be "moderated" in case I fecking swear in it or put up pics of burds bitz, I suppose!:rolleyes:
But yes she'd like a camera for the front.
I've got one on the Disco and am hoping that it'll be like an umbrella. As long as I have it, it won't rain!;)

I knew id made a typo after I posted but couldnt be boverd to go back and chnge it lol
You'll get kicked off the Citroen club soon :p:D
I saw that new ad on the telly box, for the noo defender. Reversing up to a cliff edge with the beeper sounding. With LR electrics, would you trust it to do that????
The new Tratter ad I saw on YouTube showed a rock-climber shinning up a cliff in Kazakhstan - looked like Stanage Edge viewed through Bono's amber specs. He got to the top and had an American Express moment - "Oh no, I have to meet the Scottish Ambassador in Kensington in only 18 elapsed seconds and 12 video clips". So he shins back down and gets into his new tratter. Setting the satnav to his destination, he selects Stupid Mode so it ignores the perfectly adequate European motorway system and takes him back in a straight line.
I didn't watch the whole ad as I had not got a sick-bag close by.
Who is this 1980's macho crap aimed at? Audi drivers wanting to try the Great Outdoors?
The new Tratter ad I saw on YouTube showed a rock-climber shinning up a cliff in Kazakhstan - looked like Stanage Edge viewed through Bono's amber specs. He got to the top and had an American Express moment - "Oh no, I have to meet the Scottish Ambassador in Kensington in only 18 elapsed seconds and 12 video clips". So he shins back down and gets into his new tratter. Setting the satnav to his destination, he selects Stupid Mode so it ignores the perfectly adequate European motorway system and takes him back in a straight line.
I didn't watch the whole ad as I had not got a sick-bag close by.
Who is this 1980's macho crap aimed at? Audi drivers wanting to try the Great Outdoors?

Im getting a slight hint that your not a fan lol
More findings......



Reg no from the volvo.

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