I know it is but there are some posts that I just can't do it for - and this is one of them
Fingers crossed for a good outcome.
Thanks, I am not expecting likes for something so serious, I do appreciate the concern and support.
We do have everything crossed.
As you know I do tend to joke around, and this covers my lack of ability sometimes to say the appropriate thing.
What with my brother being riddled with the big C at the moment, I have to laugh to stop myself going mad, which wouldn't help anyone. :(:(:(:(
We send our love & best wishes and just pray its just a another fatty lump, positive thinking an all that.
I think Chemo makes most people sick. The chap up the road was at deaths door & was not given long
to live I think it scared him into living as hes bounced back, he's back on his feet driving going out where
as before he was bed ridden. I hope it goes well. ;)
Cheers mate!:)
Thanks, I am not expecting likes for something so serious, I do appreciate the concern and support.
We do have everything crossed.
As you know I do tend to joke around, and this covers my lack of ability sometimes to say the appropriate thing.
What with my brother being riddled with the big C at the moment, I have to laugh to stop myself going mad, which wouldn't help anyone. :(:(:(:(
Please know that we are all rooting for you and the Mrs. Steamer. :)
Yer guessed the crumpits at no 3. Milk and bread were 1 and 2. Eye has also won an award at sainsberrys. Eye came second in 2021 fer buying the most yogguts of a certain type from my local sainsberrys chop. The strawberry/raspberry/cherry sainserrys ones. Sadly it won't appen this year as they have moved em down the other end of the isle which is where the general flow of traffic comes from, so they is sold oot when eye goes choppin. The orrible yellow ones is there.
Exactly, I stupidly used expanding foam in the corrugated ends of the existing roof and then the problems started. The new shed has made it impossible to get the stuff removed so this is the only way I could come up with. It has cost £600 in materials alone!!
Oh dear!:(:(:(
Is it condensation or is the water coming in from the outside? Either way, pain in the bum.:(
I get this inside the trailer where I store stuff. I muck about covering everything with tarps. :(
One good thing about the garage, I don't get this problem probably because it does have a bit of heating but also it has drafty old fashioned up and over doors. But it runs off the roof in the loft:rolleyes:.one of the problems of having it well insulated.
Each fecking thing you do to try and improve the house and make it more economical to run, seems to lead to other problems.
We all suffer with condensation in the loft on our estate. The timber frame construction is so good you only have to add a bit of loft insulation etc. Various people have tried various things, the opposite neighbours had little chimney type things fitted, they were a disaster resulting in the ceiling falling down in their living room!:eek::eek:
Most add extra air-bricks in the end of the gable, I am hoping the new soffits will breathe a bit better, so we are hanging on!!;)
Do hope you get it sorted!:):)
Oh dear!:(:(:(
Is it condensation or is the water coming in from the outside? Either way, pain in the bum.:(
I get this inside the trailer where I store stuff. I muck about covering everything with tarps. :(
One good thing about the garage, I don't get this problem probably because it does have a bit of heating but also it has drafty old fashioned up and over doors. But it runs off the roof in the loft:rolleyes:.one of the problems of having it well insulated.
Each fecking thing you do to try and improve the house and make it more economical to run, seems to lead to other problems.
We all suffer with condensation in the loft on our estate. The timber frame construction is so good you only have to add a bit of loft insulation etc. Various people have tried various things, the opposite neighbours had little chimney type things fitted, they were a disaster resulting in the ceiling falling down in their living room!:eek::eek:
Most add extra air-bricks in the end of the gable, I am hoping the new soffits will breathe a bit better, so we are hanging on!!;)
Do hope you get it sorted!:):)
Cheers, yes it is condensation as I fixed all the leaks! It didn't do it prior to blocking the ventilation which was entirely down to me not thinking things through!
Here is a pic the Mrs took to give an idea of what I am doing with a 'false' roof covering the old one to give a thermal break.
Roofing 01.jpg
Exactly, I stupidly used expanding foam in the corrugated ends of the existing roof and then the problems started. The new shed has made it impossible to get the stuff removed so this is the only way I could come up with. It has cost £600 in materials alone!!
Oh dear "no drafts" = "can't breathe" and condensate on the cold roof underside. :(
What is in their that is exuding moisture though?
Cheers, yes it is condensation as I fixed all the leaks! It didn't do it prior to blocking the ventilation which was entirely down to me not thinking things through!
Here is a pic the Mrs took to give an idea of what I am doing with a 'false' roof covering the old one to give a thermal break.
View attachment 257383
Well done mate! More power to your elbow.:):):)
Judging by the exterior, was it, or is it still, an old Marley sectional garage?
Cos I've known three of them.
Having up and over garage doors stopped condensation in all three but they were notorious among others for condensation. ;)
If not, forgive my presumption!;)

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