Tell us, do you go looking for these unbelievably "strong" jobs, or do they come looking for you?:confused:
You'll be stuck with Jumbo for ages!

On second thoughts he looks too sweet for Wingnut.:(:(:(

Aye well they just sort of find me o_O I was only asked to remove a few slates & fit new lead flashings
now its turned into quite a nice wee job. :D
....well odd little day here.:confused:
We got up on time cos we were expecting a guy to come and clean the oven. We normally do it ourselves but that entails the use of a sink and as the utility one is no longer in, temporarily, the only other one is the new one, and Wifey doesn't want that one scratched. (She hates the job anyway and I'm not keen either!)
So the bloke came round and I asked him where his van was, with the tank full of caustic soda in, to soak all the innards. He said, "My bike is parked out on the road". So as he would only have done it the same way as us, he was on his way, a bit miffed understandably.:(:(:(
So W got on tinternet and phone to try and find another one. One had a special offer, £35 for a single oven, so she rang to book it, she let drop it was in a double oven but we only wanted the main oven cleaning as we hardly use the top one. the female than said "Well it's £55 as it's in a double oven, and it'll be bigger? WTF!!!!! Noo! actually smaller than our last single and all others we know of.:mad::mad::mad:
So she got the bum's rush.
Tried all over the place, the rest were even more expensive, so in the end went back to them :mad::mad::mad: and booked them to do both ovens online. What a farce, but at least it'll be cheaper than getting it done by any of the others.
Tried cleaning the rest of the ceiling, still got totally bamboozling, lovely areas of white but the odd grey strip? Cannot make head nor tail of it. but at least it'll take paint. ;)
Does anyone else use those stupid card readers with online banking?:rolleyes:
I have a Nationwide one and I hate it. It took me three goes to change a direct debit and each time I failed it was cos the card reader just suddenly went off. And I'd checked the batteries, which I remove every time, and they were above spec. So "Chatted " them and they are sending a new one.:rolleyes:
I'll also drop into the branch to give them my mobile number, much though i hate having to do this.
Once upon a time they just used special data known only to you. what was so wrong with that?:(:(:(
Gorra card reader anorl. These days yer can move to an app instead. Still password protected but linked to yer fone.
Sorry, just cannot agree with this. We have a sofa for our dogs covered with appropriate protection that we can take off when we have guests.
We also have a special dog blanket we put on our bed, one generally sleeps on it with us and the other two come on for a cuddle first thing in the morning, They stay on for varying times but never bother us in fact we love the feeling of them cuddling in to us. They are three Cockers so not too big and bothersome.
We also have them on our laps. They don't abuse this, they know when to be there and when not. Our chairs are leather but obviously most of the time they are actually on us. We dress appropriately and they seem to sense which clothes are appropriate.
They never get on any other furniture or any beds in any other room. They know which is OK and which is not and we honestly have never had to tell them off. They never get onto anything that they have not been "told" they can get onto, i.e. by encouraging them and being there with them. They even know the "rules" in France where the furniture is different, for instance we sit on a sofa over there but individual armchairs over here. In all our years of dog owning, i.e. about 40 to 50 years, we have never had an animal damage a bed or a piece of furniture except an over-excited male, non-neutered, chewing a stringer (Stretcher?) on a kitchen chair, in frustration. He stopped once we had him done! (King Charles Cavalier)
But we do appreciate that not all dogs are so obliging!;)

Each to their own, My dogs are my very best company but I have rules of the house and I expect them to be kept and in return I also comply - I never get into their beds or use their blankets, dishes, toys etc. as my own.
Morning All :D
Despite all the squats I did yesterday my legs have not fallen off! :eek:
0° out there this morning, but far less frost than yesterday(3°), go figure???
Excused paper getting as she's out getting stuff for the old bat later. :)
Interestingly, one of the things she needs is "more money out". Where's it all gone? Her dear son visited and releived her of what she had because "his glasses have broken".:mad::mad::mad:
Have a lovely day. :D

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