Occasionally it's slow to respond to the post button. It does post but yer need to leave it about a minute, then refresh the page and yer post will have been added to the forum.

It were double posting at 4am this morning anorl. Tis good fun

Tis wet and windy but I will still go out shopping in ma trusty hippo knowing the roof dun't leak and the eater works. :)
... it's a very wet, heavy drizzle late afternoon in Lancs, I've just been to ASDA and though my fan works on full at the front, I couldn't bloody see anything out of the side windows. Reversed into a trolley. Car great. Trolley squashed. Might sell and buy a Disco (but that's unlikely, just how I'm feeling at the mo).
... it's a very wet, heavy drizzle late afternoon in Lancs, I've just been to ASDA and though my fan works on full at the front, I couldn't bloody see anything out of the side windows. Reversed into a trolley. Car great. Trolley squashed. Might sell and buy a Disco (but that's unlikely, just how I'm feeling at the mo).

There is a thingy conversion doo daht on this site somewhere, someone fitted side vents to clear the side windies ... feck knows where it is tho ... :oops:

Some smartie will remember ...
There is a thingy conversion doo daht on this site somewhere, someone fitted side vents to clear the side windies ... feck knows where it is tho ... :oops:

Some smartie will remember ...

Or you can get the stoopidly expensive tubey things.

I reckon @Mackers should buy a freelander, job done.

There is a thingy conversion doo daht on this site somewhere, someone fitted side vents to clear the side windies ... feck knows where it is tho ... :oops:

Some smartie will remember ...
Might have to get some. They're not cheap for a bit of plastic.
Tis wet yer. Hippo ok in puddle a bit higher than the door sills, unfortunately very loud Corsa with little shallow tyres and the poorest taste in seats kind of stopped in the middle. How we laughed. At least he can listen to Acid House Ambient Hip Hop until Daddy gets his text. :D:D:D
Tis wet yer. Hippo ok in puddle a bit higher than the door sills, unfortunately very loud Corsa with little shallow tyres and the poorest taste in seats kind of stopped in the middle. How we laughed. At least he can listen to Acid House Ambient Hip Hop until Daddy gets his text. :D:D:D
Get some hoover pipe and use it to direct the draft from the door seals to the side windows
Ha ha. No I've just mailed a trader on ebay to see how long the cig cable is on the mini ceramic demisters. For this winter I'll just screw one either side into pillar holes and get a dual extension cig socket (if wires are long enough.
Ha ha. No I've just mailed a trader on ebay to see how long the cig cable is on the mini ceramic demisters. For this winter I'll just screw one either side into pillar holes and get a dual extension cig socket (if wires are long enough.
Get yerself a Freelander eater ;)
It's about being considerate to your neighbours. If you buy more fireworks than one person can carry from their car, you have bought too many. I see they sell what's marked as display fireworks in shops now. Perhaps an easier solution would be to limit the power of fireworks. We will have to agree to disagree. ;)
Hippo, thought you were better than this; turns out, you're another pouncy left-wing liberal who can't see a bit of fun being had without involving Inspector Knacker of The Yard. Peeps need to grow up and reflect back when you fire off a banger on a doorstep or fire a rocket up the street without the local constabulary arriving and turning it into a crime scene or an "incident". Where are we going, chum?
Hippo, thought you were better than this; turns out, you're another pouncy left-wing liberal who can't see a bit of fun being had without involving Inspector Knacker of The Yard. Peeps need to grow up and reflect back when you fire off a banger on a doorstep or fire a rocket up the street without the local constabulary arriving and turning it into a crime scene or an "incident". Where are we going, chum?
My dogs don't like em. I dunno if a place called jtf is national, but i saw 1 family at the til buying 1.2k's worth. One thousand two hundred quid!
Hippo, thought you were better than this; turns out, you're another pouncy left-wing liberal who can't see a bit of fun being had without involving Inspector Knacker of The Yard. Peeps need to grow up and reflect back when you fire off a banger on a doorstep or fire a rocket up the street without the local constabulary arriving and turning it into a crime scene or an "incident". Where are we going, chum?
Left wing? Ah dun't wear Sandals.

Am not against peeps enjoying themselves. A box of fire works int back garden is ok but when yer go mad and start letting oft bigger display ones it's too much. When I was little we only had them once and we was too scared of them. Bit much fer 3 years oles. Tw*t over the road bought loads but fergot the kids want sparkles int sky, not bangers. Took him 3 nights to finish what he bought.

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