How do you keep yer bath tub warm at night? Do you leave a heater on or is it insulated enough to keep the cold of the water out?
How do you keep yer bath tub warm at night? Do you leave a heater on or is it insulated enough to keep the cold of the water out?

Fully spray foamed between the hull and the lining, everywhere, under the floor, in the sides, and the roof. And only tiny portholes instead of huge thermally inefficient windows.
And I have 2 hot water tanks, one heated off the engine, the other heated off the vaporising diesel stove, which also heats the central heating.
And if I CBA with all that, I simply switch on the diesel generator, and put a few electric heaters on.

I can easily heat the inside of the boat to 45C if I want to, irrespective of outside temperatures.

Good deal more comfortable than the mud hut that you live in! :)
Fully spray foamed between the hull and the lining, everywhere, under the floor, in the sides, and the roof. And only tiny portholes instead of huge thermally inefficient windows.
And I have 2 hot water tanks, one heated off the engine, the other heated off the vaporising diesel stove, which also heats the central heating.
And if I CBA with all that, I simply switch on the diesel generator, and put a few electric heaters on.

I can easily heat the inside of the boat to 45C if I want to, irrespective of outside temperatures.

Good deal more comfortable than the mud hut that you live in! :)
Me ouse is made of bricks ;)
Nope the dog.
They wanted to give it a CT scan I said ultra sound. They paused until I said PTS then.
Had fluid round his heart & put weight on since his injections last month. CT scan would not have shown this :mad:
He's back home causing mischief

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