...what's all this cobblers about having a "test" before you go out to the shops on all the front pages today? :mad:
Will it be stay indoors if you haven't had a test in the past 10 minutes next?
Omicron might be super contagious but it's not super-deadly, most folk will just have cold-like symptoms.
Talk about over-reacting. Let's all start wearing masks indoors in our own homes just-in-case eh? :rolleyes:
Stoking the fear once more. Well done UK Govt.
They is trying to stop it spreading faster than it is.
Afternoon folks:).

Well its been an orrible day out there, good job I have inside work:).
Now my shoulder is giving me jip, think my body is trying to tell me something, Maybe if i did more I would be fitter or is it this old age thingo_O. Will fight the urge to take the day off tomorrow:D.

That's me tracked up and the steering wheel straight, steering a lot lighter now
Well we just lost the signal for the sat TV, this is usually temp due to something orrible going on outside so not to worry;). Usually it comes back after a few minutes, Unless its yes that white stuff:eek:. Yep stuck me head out and loads of the stuff so took the little kitchen floor brush upstairs and brushed the dish TV back:). Told M not to look outside:eek:. Reckon I will get the first snowman this year in the morning:D.

The Mud Ball had a run to the shop today and is working fine, could be a fun week:D.

...this arvo I knocked up two women shelves in the workshop.
Somewhere to put all the lathe-y bits & pieces rather than cluttering the bench directly in front/around the lathe.
They are only 5-foot long and 6" & 8" wide, but it is much better than nothing. :D


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