Twas sunny today, for a change!
Suggested to Wifey we go shopping.
She fell off her perch in shock.
But we went to World of Furniture and bought a feck off big blanket box, so the thing has now landed. Is in the same oak as the rest of the bedroom stuff so all is happy.
Fecker JUST fit in the back of the Disco!!!
So now the old 'un will be off to the oction.
View attachment 252868

And no, we never use the rad.

Rather dwarfs the old un!
View attachment 252869

Still Wifey is happy, and it'll store more dirty washing than the old un.
Happy all round!!:):):)
Just had Fajitas, ( I think, chicken in a mexican thing inside wrap things, can never remember the proper names. Twas nice!)
Wifey on a zoom with her ex-guider friends in Europe.
Hope you are all having a lovely evening.:):):):):):)
Ooohhh... she has a nice big "box" there. Perfectly proportioned ;).
I am returned. :)
I lost count of the beers consumed @ £5.50/pint.:eek:
But it was great to see all of my old friends again.
I don't like the city for its noise & bustle but my goodness we had a really great chin-wag session.
I think there are facial recognition cameras at the stations because everyone not "masked" was denied entry unless they made a fuss.

Glad you made it home safe.
By the sounds of you written words you are not as “bladdered” as you said you was gonna be:) Aslong as you enjoyed:D

Those who make a fuss need a slap, simples:D.

Hey up you lot it rained on and off all day, shed is finished outside, I am going to suggest to fit a lead
detail along the ridge,that would be another 200 quid for lead.
I did try to bend a zinc capping piece but it looked sh!te but now he wants it insulated & sheeted inside an the back wall skimmed. :)
View attachment 252876

Niche abuse!
And do Scotty kirks have lead on their roofs? Still???!!!:D:D:D
@My Old Landy ...
Sorry to be such a noob..... but what tolerances are usually acceptable for turning general stuff?
I see "Doubleboost" on youtube has a 3-jaw on a lovely Boxford that he often uses rather than a 4-jaw.
I can get my 4-jaw down to 1thou' runout but my 3-jaw seems 5+

Not experienced enough to know what's generally acceptable; other than tighter tolerances = better.
Your advice is needed. ;)
..that I was once verbally abused by a Scottish gentleman who was on a platform far away from me as I passed through a station on my way back from Aberdeen to Edinburgh.
The discussion was along the lines of "What the Feck are yoo lookin' at laddie?"
When I told my colleagues in the Edinburgh office about it they asked "what station was it"?
For some reason they all started laughing when I pronounced Kirkaldy as Kerk-all-dy instead of Kirkuddy.
just sprang to mind is all. I don't know why the man was upset with me.
I am returned. :)
I lost count of the beers consumed @ £5.50/pint.:eek:
But it was great to see all of my old friends again.
I don't like the city for its noise & bustle but my goodness we had a really great chin-wag session.
I think there are facial recognition cameras at the stations because everyone not "masked" was denied entry unless they made a fuss.
Glad you had a good time!!!!:):):):):)
..that I was once verbally abused by a Scottish gentleman who was on a platform far away from me as I passed through a station on my way back from Aberdeen to Edinburgh.
The discussion was along the lines of "What the Feck are yoo lookin' at laddie?"
When I told my colleagues in the Edinburgh office about it they asked "what station was it"?
For some reason they all started laughing when I pronounced Kirkaldy as Kerk-all-dy instead of Kirkuddy.
just sprang to mind is all. I don't know why the man was upset with me.

Been there :).
Worked with a great guy who said his eldestene (I can’t spell it just read it) it took me ages to figure out it wasn’t his daughters name:D.

Had a look at cutting guides.
They is sure not cheap, but then I have nothing to judge them against.
I don't have many cuts to make, and I usually use the normal thing, straight edge and a coupla clamps. but it can be a problem.. I've a very long one to do, back of a longish thick worktop needs cutting back by about 100mm
Had a look at cutting guides.
They is sure not cheap, but then I have nothing to judge them against.
I don't have many cuts to make, and I usually use the normal thing, straight edge and a coupla clamps. but it can be a problem.. I've a very long one to do, back of a longish thick worktop needs cutting back by about 100mm

What choppy saw you got my saws take a guide that goes onto the saw so 100mm shouldnt be an issue.
What choppy saw you got my saws take a guide that goes onto the saw so 100mm shouldnt be an issue.
TBH I can't remember the exact dimensions.
Also my saw is a second-hand handmedown from a mate. It came in a case along with the drill the charger and dead batts. But that was missing. I've had it a long time but not used the saw much at all. Typically I have a better saw in France. Not a better make just a bit less knackered and with all the bits. The guide you put a pic up of I don't have, but I do have one from a plunge saw that might work in it. The plunge saw can't cut deep enough otherwise I'd use that.
I'll have to see, and if I can't make that work I'll do the other way with a straight edge and some clamps or screws to hold it to the underside, i.e. cut it from upside down. The quality of the edge isn't so important on the back as it'll be covered by tiles.
I could just see the mate who gave me the saw cos he's got all sorts of tools and he'll maybe have one to lend me or even do the cut for me. We ought to get together anyway, ain't seen each other since about June.
I was just interested to look into the guides as I keep seeing them on TV in various progs. Didn't think they'd be that expensive.
Not expensive to a pro, but a bit dear for a guy who will only use it a coupla times. If I was younger and had a load more projects up my sleeve I'd not think twice.

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