Wot is it with me and feckin tech?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Bloody new mobile feckin around AGAIN.
Last time the bod at "3" did some sort of fix, said it was down to a "letch" (fink he meant a "glitch") but again it is saying "emergency calls only" I think this is some kind of cynical ploy to get me off pay as you go.
Tried rebooting it, that din't work, just lost all my contacts.:rolleyes:
Will get onto their site later when I can be assed.
Fuming right now!
Is that because signal is low or yer enturd yer password int wrong too many times or the battery is fattid.
"Emergency calls only" suggests the phone cannot read the SIM-Card to validate your credentials to use the network.
Have you tried cleaning the sin-card contacts and the contact pads in the phone?
Yes, it does don't it? Although I look afdter my phone veryu well.
BUT 3 have fecked up.
I've just chatted with them. It turns out they've sent me a new cared and cancelled the old one without telling me!
so I'll have to wait.
To clean the contacts I'd have to take the phone apart, or at least open it Yikes!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Is that because signal is low or yer enturd yer password int wrong too many times or the battery is fattid.
No as I've just posted, sim card has been cancelled cos they are sending me a noo one!
Don't think signal is low but I wouldn't know which hieroglyph tells me that, on this phone, (one that looks like a slice of pizza standing on its tip?).
no prob with password as I don't have one on it!
Battery fine, I understand that hieroglyph!
I has been an ickle bit norty.
Was puttin the smallest lads balance bike togevver at wuk so he could play straight away at Crispmus an I had a nidea.
Puts it inna big box an filled up wif them pollystyrene chips. The dottir will have em all over the shop! Hee!
Luckily where we will be has no phone signul :D.

Ha bumhug! :p
Me baff room sink has one of them there push down fings instead of a normal sink plug, ter stop the watta flowing oot. It leeks un blocks up easily anorl. So eye unwinds the top plug stopper bit un see the plunger below that controls watta flow. This has gottid me finking. If eye unscrew that eye could purra normal sink plug innit. Dunt fink there is anyfink stoppin me doing this.
Me baff room sink has one of them there push down fings instead of a normal sink plug, ter stop the watta flowing oot. It leeks un blocks up easily anorl. So eye unwinds the top plug stopper bit un see the plunger below that controls watta flow. This has gottid me finking. If eye unscrew that eye could purra normal sink plug innit. Dunt fink there is anyfink stoppin me doing this.

I fink you'd be OK. We has one thems anorl an if you unscrews the top the thread is well down the plug hole.
Considering the underside of a reglar plug will be only a nickle bit under flush it could work..
Me baff room sink has one of them there push down fings instead of a normal sink plug, ter stop the watta flowing oot. It leeks un blocks up easily anorl. So eye unwinds the top plug stopper bit un see the plunger below that controls watta flow. This has gottid me finking. If eye unscrew that eye could purra normal sink plug innit. Dunt fink there is anyfink stoppin me doing this.
I had to deal with one a bit like this in the guest bathroom tother day, had to adjust the bottom of the screw thing to make sure it didn't rest on the lever just a tiny bit and leak. Can't you adjust summat?
Fings like this are a pain. great when they work but make you long for traditional stuff when they don't. Also if the watter in the sink is reeely hot, like I use when I shave, then you have to either use a tool or scald your fingers to empty it.:eek:
Best of luck with it all. :):):)
...I am just stunned that my boy made this montage to support his YouTube channel and that he has been selected to have a pre-release of the latest version of Halo before it launches officially.
No "media arts" degree, just a passion for gaming and a great deal of talent (though I say so myself (as a proud parent)). He has a full-time job and this is his little dream.
If his kickstarter works out, he could one day be a millionaire.
...I am just stunned that my boy made this montage to support his YouTube channel and that he has been selected to have a pre-release of the latest version of Halo before it launches officially.
No "media arts" degree, just a passion for gaming and a great deal of talent (though I say so myself (as a proud parent)). He has a full-time job and this is his little dream.
If his kickstarter works out, he could one day be a millionaire.

Sounds like he is on the way to YT stardom! It has made a lot of gamers money.
Wot is it with me and feckin tech?:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Bloody new mobile feckin around AGAIN.
Last time the bod at "3" did some sort of fix, said it was down to a "letch" (fink he meant a "glitch") but again it is saying "emergency calls only" I think this is some kind of cynical ploy to get me off pay as you go.
Tried rebooting it, that din't work, just lost all my contacts.:rolleyes:
Will get onto their site later when I can be assed.
Fuming right now!

Thats a nightmare,:(:( I really should read on to see if you've got it sorted, but then id have to scroll
back to find your post.
Well the cake was nice…..oh & a pig roast

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