Haha you better watch yersel Nowt to do wiv me honest. I know she sucks when you turn her on lol
Oh you bad boy!
so that's what happens to old Hoovers!:D:D:D
Like the previous post about the jump leads.
"oot"...fink you meant "ott". ;)
Weak point of many jump leads seems to be the clamp. so often they is sh!"tty bits of plastic with metal spring things inside.
FFS! Spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar!"

2nd pint going down well. Doombar after an old speckled hen!
Enjoy the evening geezers!:):):)
Been talking to the repair peeps un they put me through to Argos but they din't answer so I phoned em direct. Nice lady took the details un went ter check wiv da repair company wot their engineer report sed. Returned to say it has bin rowtid oft. Checked stock un they hassa like for like replacemint. Delivery ont Tuesday. They want the old one ter havva look at it. Eye paid 150 sovs un it has gone up ter 170 sovs but they int sed anyfink about that. Just need ter tell Edgar now.
I has a Henry cleaning offices at the weekend (that's OFFICES @kurtjohnson10). It has a particular talent of jammin hisself behind doorways, cabinets, printers, anything with an edge.. An then just sits there grinning like a tw@. I hates it, an often gives it a good kick :D
Yer mean. Eye've gorra 4 meter hose ont mine. Purchased separate via a different company but came direct from Henry.
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Been talking to the repair peeps un they put me through to Argos but they din't answer so I phoned em direct. Nice lady took the details un went ter check wiv da repair company wot their engineer report sed. Returned to say it has bin rowtid oft. Checked stock un they hassa like for like replacemint. Delivery ont Tuesday. They want the old one ter havva look at it. Eye paid 150 sovs un it has gone up ter 170 sovs but they int sed anyfink about that. Just need ter tell Edgar now.
Looks good!

Is this how you wear a hoover ....... I can see why she wouldnt wear it:D

Those burds all look very wholesome. cut above some you see on top Totty. quite fancy the middle two. Friends or rels of yours?;):D Or am I looking at a Milf and her dottir?:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I'll get locked up if I keep on like this!!!:D:D:D:D

I think the one with the ‘tache is @kevstar on a Saturday night :eek:
You and others use the term "handball". I know exactly what you mean by it altho a bloke I know who owned his own road transport company until it got nationalised back in what the 50s? 1948, just found out, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Act_1947
ANYWAY. He called it "mauling".
Only mentioning it cos handball is a game played by Frogs, Germans and other dilettantes.
Rather a pointless game I have always thought, why not play either basket ball or footie?
But still I read it and just got a mental picture of you and this wimmins throwing the woodchip blocks into a goal!

No no no mauling is somit totally different :D:D
Well so much of the day has gone by now, (and Wifey in't around, ;););)) I think I'll start Friday evening early with a pint or two and some crips!!
Enjoy the evening folks!:):):):):)

Nice.... ive just had a corona n lime, with my tandoori mixed grill & extra chikn tikka for the misses
she always says im not really bothered I'll just have a bit of yours (me thinking aye fuck right off) lol
Extra chikn please sir got a free nan bread too. :D

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