Loved pinto engines snap a timing belt & re-aline the engine, fit a noo belt an off yer go. :D
I had heard that that was true for a 2000 but not a 1600, the only time I did have this happen to me it was on a 1600 about 200 yds from home travelling very slowly, and yes, there was no interference. So maybe what I heard (from an ex-RAF engineer) wasn't true. But yes I once went out to a friend's car, at Durdle Door, a 2 litre Cortina Mk 4 with a new belt and just did it there and then, only thing I had to do later on was retime the ignition properly with my timing light. I'd forgot to bring it with me and just did it by listening for the spark as I rotated the distributor. Which was OK except it pinked a bit when the owner put her foot down!
Still love Pintos, so easy to work on!:D:D:D:D:D
Am I being unreasonable?

I received my invite for the booster jab - 18.40 , almost forty miles drive just to get there, that's an hour at the best estimate assuming I do not get stuck in the evening home-going traffic. At best, I would have to leave home about 5pm and not get back until gone 8pm - all driving done in the dark - something I have been advised not to do for the last few years because of the growing cataracts.

I have declined the appointment as I believe offering it at that time to people like me who are in the 75-80 yrs stage in life is unreasonable, especially as they ask people to attend unaccompanied! Not that I could have done that.
No you aren't being unreasonable. Just make sure they know your circs.;)
Does it use much air just wondering if I can use a compressor to fill a tank & run off that.
Ive only had a go of one & that was over 10 years ago.
Does this mean you don't actooly have a compressor? Amazingly I do have one, much underused but still there. I too have only used a plasma cuttter once, beast of a thing but great for cutting thick steel.:D:D:D:D
Cool I will can get a bottle out the yard or just get a bigger compressor.
(any excuse to get more man stuff) :cool:
My neighbour, the one who used to run a garage from behind his house, used to use a torpedo tank as an air receiver, (is that what you call it?) until he bought a feck off decent sized compressor. He had it leaning against the outside of his garage for donkey's years! Bet he got loads of dosh for it when he retired and sold up!
Does this mean you don't actooly have a compressor? Amazingly I do have one, much underused but still there. I too have only used a plasma cuttter once, beast of a thing but great for cutting thick steel.:D:D:D:D

I am sure we all have tools we don’t use very often but when you need it, it makes the job so much easier.
I have a garage full:) but will buy more as and when needed:D.


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