Am I being unreasonable?

I received my invite for the booster jab - 18.40 , almost forty miles drive just to get there, that's an hour at the best estimate assuming I do not get stuck in the evening home-going traffic. At best, I would have to leave home about 5pm and not get back until gone 8pm - all driving done in the dark - something I have been advised not to do for the last few years because of the growing cataracts.

I have declined the appointment as I believe offering it at that time to people like me who are in the 75-80 yrs stage in life is unreasonable, especially as they ask people to attend unaccompanied! Not that I could have done that.
There was something on R4 last week about this. Think they mentioned using the GOV website to book this closer. most were on about village halls or pharmacy.
Am I being unreasonable?

I received my invite for the booster jab - 18.40 , almost forty miles drive just to get there, that's an hour at the best estimate assuming I do not get stuck in the evening home-going traffic. At best, I would have to leave home about 5pm and not get back until gone 8pm - all driving done in the dark - something I have been advised not to do for the last few years because of the growing cataracts.

I have declined the appointment as I believe offering it at that time to people like me who are in the 75-80 yrs stage in life is unreasonable, especially as they ask people to attend unaccompanied! Not that I could have done that.

Can they not give you an earlier appointment, I think that is a shocking time to give you. :(
My misses told me yesterday that have to go and get our boosters its only 5 miles away, its
an open appointment between 9am & 6pm so go an stand outside in the pi$$ing rain for god
knows how long & its the whole of the peninsula.
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There was something on R4 last week about this. Think they mentioned using the GOV website to book this closer. most were on about village halls or pharmacy.
Sadly, being out in the sticks (and in Wales) things are not that simple. Everything has to be controlled so as to simplify ( ie. save money ) the procedure. In addition being right on the border between counties does not help when it comes changing the centre.

I am now of the mind that it is up to them to make things easier for us rapidly degenerating wrinkles if they want us to have it. A little more joined-up thinking on their part might just give them a clue that some of us have to travel miles to get even the simplest service.

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