Gottid some more weeds out me drive. Little fekers is growd er gen. Scraped the moss out the v shape of the blocks anorl. Eye was out there free ours. Avvin a go wiv me bumbul dryer. First time eye has used it. Fing ses 300 minutes but eye int usins that much leccy. Eye is testin it every arf our to see if me clothes is dry. Eye haddum out ont line but they int dry'd.
So after a long, long time of working in a horrid little room with awful surroundings; at last my son's new man-cave is completed.
WFH will no longer be a prison-sentence nor an uncomfortable squalid "camping" existence.

I took what was left off that job we done, he got 250 quid I got 7 grand. Ive got a job booked in for
a week on monday he was due 2500 from that. I will give him a 500 quid wages for the week
and I will take the 2k. The cash is coming tho so na you aint ruining my Satdee ;):D:D

Rum n coke so cheers :D:D
A lickle whisky with you.
so glad you are seeing some dosh back off the lickle cnut!!
Gottid some more weeds out me drive. Little fekers is growd er gen. Scraped the moss out the v shape of the blocks anorl. Eye was out there free ours. Avvin a go wiv me bumbul dryer. First time eye has used it. Fing ses 300 minutes but eye int usins that much leccy. Eye is testin it every arf our to see if me clothes is dry. Eye haddum out ont line but they int dry'd.
Find ALL the filters and keep em clean. tis the secret!!!
I got quoted £1500 to change a head gasket on a bike a while back :eek: did it myself in a weekend instead.. £1500 :eek:
At least with a bike you don't need a 2 or 4 post lift!!!
Can't believe any cnut would dream of quoting you that for such a p!ss easy job.
It took you a whole weekend? Once did a mate's head gasket on a series in about 2 hours, after dark. And I'd never done one on a series before. He did help a tiny bit!
Maybe a bike is a bit more complex to get at. Cannot say as last one I did on a bike was on a Triumph 650 in about 1972!
But at least you beat the cnuts!!
Much prefer your story to mine!!
At least with a bike you don't need a 2 or 4 post lift!!!
Can't believe any cnut would dream of quoting you that for such a p!ss easy job.
It took you a whole weekend? Once did a mate's head gasket on a series in about 2 hours, after dark. And I'd never done one on a series before. He did help a tiny bit!
Maybe a bike is a bit more complex to get at. Cannot say as last one I did on a bike was on a Triumph 650 in about 1972!
But at least you beat the cnuts!!
Much prefer your story to mine!!
I'd never done one on a bike before so all the timing chain business.. over head cam thing was new and a learning curve.. there's a lot to take off and put back haha
Ta for reminding me, I was wanting to make tops out of purple heart but its all gone apart from one slab iirc its not wide enough I'll have to go to the store & measure it. She wants a belfast sink too as we have
a black composite think looked nice when it was new, now getting a bit faded so needs to go.
Tis only 3 years old.

BTW I spoke too soon o_O she wants diamond earings,:eek: but not big flashy ones.... ok so thats chrimbo sorted.
Belfast sinks are OK if they are unmarked, but they can soon look scruffy. But you can't win with sinks. It is just par for the course that they suffer in normal use. We have put a feck off big green plastic thing in our new one to stop it from getting scratched, (stainless steel.) And so we end up having to clean that! You just can't win! But at least if you drop a glass in it you've a chance it won't break, unlike a Belfast!
Best of luck with the earrings.
Wifey is off to the midlands to stay with dottir #2 and will be buying her jewellery for her 50th buffday.
So I'll have a few days on my own. Will prolly use them to change the hub to see if I can get rid of the "Thrum thrum".
If it IS the bearing it'll be like the one you had on your EVO, except I won't have the problem you had getting the old one off.
Extra hour's kip tonite!!!
I'd never done one on a bike before so all the timing chain business.. over head cam thing was new and a learning curve.. there's a lot to take off and put back haha
Scratching my head now to remember when I first did an overhead cam, cos I is so old most used to be in the block. Could actooly have been the Dolly Sprint. Or Ford Pinto engines in Cortinas.
Some are easier than others. the Sprint one actooly had a good way of connecting the cam sprocket to a bit of metal so you could keep the cam timing and the chain in place when you removed the head. (They must have known you were going to be removing and replacing the heads for a feckin pastime!!)
All good fun!!:):):)

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