Afternoon folks:)

Back home safe early hours of the morning.
Long queues at the passport/covid checks coming in then I find I had interpreted the gov website wrong so had to go back in today to get a PCR test or isolate for 10 days:mad:. Anyway done now so all back to normal.

Now to make some appointments for zoom to set details to the wills and discuss (quickly) with tax planner @250+/hr:eek: the best way to keep the money, still very confusing so hope they do an idiot guide:D:D.

Suns out and it is just right for getting the last bits done outside just need a couple of days of this:).

Happy fries day:):).

Glad to hear you got through it all. Can you not do the tax-planner thing through email?
Best of luck with it all.:):):)
Too posh for me…
Bet when the Mrs comes home every thing is in the wrong cupboard & you have not moved the new date to the back.

Im only allowed to pack the freezer
All couples are different!
I'm not allowed near the freezer but I do the "dry goods" and rotate them.
No opened packs either, either full or opened. I was well taught by an ex Quartermaster Sergeant-Major when I worked in a huge food and drink store!;););)
Great news on not taking the tabs,:cool: I have to take mine for life as they couldnt find the cause. :(
The "needing to take the tabs thing" seems to depend on what they find in your blood tests. If you have a propensity, (is that the right word) for DVTs then yes I can understand it. But if not, then it could just mean that they didn't find the cause.
Mine was at first categorised as "unprovoked" but now is classed as "provoked" down to the AZ jab and having a virus which knackered me so much I wasn't moving around. So now it's sorted, no more need for the pills.
Do you have regular blood tests and do you have particularly "sticky" blood? altho obvs being on the pills your blood will be the opposite.
Bit of a viscous circle.
But if they couldn't find the cause it looks a bit like an ass-covering exercise. And it must feck you off more than some as you must cut yourself from time to time doing the sort of work you do.
Luckily, if I bleed, I don't bleed too much, but a friend of Wifey's who is on Warfarin or summat, nearly bled to death two days ago, from a small cut on her foot.:eek::eek::eek:
Supper for one tonight, what’s the point :( - if you are on your own and this is routine, apologies but it sucks.
For most of our life, until, about 2 years before Wifey retired, she worked away all week. You get used to it, but I used to eat my main meal at lunch at work so in the evening it didn't feel so lonely just having a sarnie or summat.;)
Na she doesnt bother what I buy as long as the bills are paid and there's food in the cupboards
she doesnt like expensive hand bags or jewellery, she says im not a christmas tree I dont need
decorating. We hate IKEA too :p:D
I usually say get ready we are going out to which she relpys mmm ok so what have you bought now.:D

Granite worktops look expensive though o_O
They feckin is!!!
But half price in Frogland, well where we live which is granite land.
Worktops of almost any type seem like a huge rip-off to me. But then what do I know.
Fort you'd do wooden ones? Or is she bored with em?
Your missus and Wifey wouldn't get on with the jewellery thing, she buys SO much at auction though, give her her due, she does flog some back and sometimes even makes on the deal. As least she doesn't wear 5 rings on each hand like some pikeys do!:):)
Her last Christmas present was a feck off huge jewellery box, you may remember.:rolleyes:
Needless to say, it's full already.
Glad to hear you got through it all. Can you not do the tax-planner thing through email?
Best of luck with it all.:):):)

The bulk of it will be done over e-mail once the process has been started face to face (well over zoom) that was one of the to dos when in the UK was to find somebody that would do it like this as some wouldnt. So now we can mull it over, then have a chat with them and whatever while we are at home and have time.
They will still put the time it takes to write an e-mail on the account I am sure, but hey if it has the right outcome then its worth the cost.;).

Finally caught up!
Been offline yessdi. got a bit of a shock.
Got the Disco back.
Cost to drain and remove the Auto box, separate the Torque converter housing from the box, (i.e remove 16 odd bolts) replace a paper gasket, bolt it back together again and put it back on?

Feck me! And that is a relatively cheap indy. so much a one-man-band that he used his missus at one point.
This is SOOOOO much why I try to do all my own work.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
At least he told me he thinks the "thrum thrum" is front nearside hub, which I will be able to change myself and I already have two spare.
So that's no pocket money for quite a while although Wifey agrees it is "maintenance" so the joint budget will be paying 2/3s.

But better news.
Went to dentist for first check up for 2 years thanks to Covid.:eek: Teeth all good. :):):) She says I don't need to go back for another 2 years.:eek::eek::eek:
Told her I think I'll go mad and go back next year.;) (She's new, young, sweet, slim, very efficient, and Iraqi.):D:D:D:D

Also I-Cad have gone mad and sent the third reg card for the dog to me directly from Frogland, which the vet couldn't persuade them to do despite trying really hard. Quite astonished at my powers of persuasion.
so that's a relief. :D:D:D
Went to bone cruncher who is getting exasperated at my lack of progress. He says he'll give it two more goes then give up if I am still not making progress. (No sweat, I was going to give up on him and go back to the Chiropractic college anyway, half price anorl!):rolleyes:
Have a good weekend folks!:):):):)
Finally caught up!
Been offline yessdi. got a bit of a shock.
Got the Disco back.
Cost to drain and remove the Auto box, separate the Torque converter housing from the box, (i.e remove 16 odd bolts) replace a paper gasket, bolt it back together again and put it back on?

Feck me! And that is a relatively cheap indy. so much a one-man-band that he used his missus at one point.
This is SOOOOO much why I try to do all my own work.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
At least he told me he thinks the "thrum thrum" is front nearside hub, which I will be able to change myself and I already have two spare.
So that's no pocket money for quite a while although Wifey agrees it is "maintenance" so the joint budget will be paying 2/3s.

But better news.
Went to dentist for first check up for 2 years thanks to Covid.:eek: Teeth all good. :):):) She says I don't need to go back for another 2 years.:eek::eek::eek:
Told her I think I'll go mad and go back next year.;) (She's new, young, sweet, slim, very efficient, and Iraqi.):D:D:D:D

Also I-Cad have gone mad and sent the third reg card for the dog to me directly from Frogland, which the vet couldn't persuade them to do despite trying really hard. Quite astonished at my powers of persuasion.
so that's a relief. :D:D:D
Went to bone cruncher who is getting exasperated at my lack of progress. He says he'll give it two more goes then give up if I am still not making progress. (No sweat, I was going to give up on him and go back to the Chiropractic college anyway, half price anorl!):rolleyes:
Have a good weekend folks!:):):):)
I got quoted £1500 to change a head gasket on a bike a while back :eek: did it myself in a weekend instead.. £1500 :eek:
They feckin is!!!
But half price in Frogland, well where we live which is granite land.
Worktops of almost any type seem like a huge rip-off to me. But then what do I know.
Fort you'd do wooden ones? Or is she bored with em?
Your missus and Wifey wouldn't get on with the jewellery thing, she buys SO much at auction though, give her her due, she does flog some back and sometimes even makes on the deal. As least she doesn't wear 5 rings on each hand like some pikeys do!:):)
Her last Christmas present was a feck off huge jewellery box, you may remember.:rolleyes:
Needless to say, it's full already.

Ta for reminding me, I was wanting to make tops out of purple heart but its all gone apart from one slab iirc its not wide enough I'll have to go to the store & measure it. She wants a belfast sink too as we have
a black composite think looked nice when it was new, now getting a bit faded so needs to go.
Tis only 3 years old.

BTW I spoke too soon o_O she wants diamond earings,:eek: but not big flashy ones.... ok so thats chrimbo sorted.
Dare I ask.:eek:
Has he started the pay back? Or have I just ruined your Satdee?:(:(:(

I took what was left off that job we done, he got 250 quid I got 7 grand. Ive got a job booked in for
a week on monday he was due 2500 from that. I will give him a 500 quid wages for the week
and I will take the 2k. The cash is coming tho so na you aint ruining my Satdee ;):D:D

Rum n coke so cheers :D:D
The "needing to take the tabs thing" seems to depend on what they find in your blood tests. If you have a propensity, (is that the right word) for DVTs then yes I can understand it. But if not, then it could just mean that they didn't find the cause.
Mine was at first categorised as "unprovoked" but now is classed as "provoked" down to the AZ jab and having a virus which knackered me so much I wasn't moving around. So now it's sorted, no more need for the pills.
Do you have regular blood tests and do you have particularly "sticky" blood? altho obvs being on the pills your blood will be the opposite.
Bit of a viscous circle.
But if they couldn't find the cause it looks a bit like an ass-covering exercise. And it must feck you off more than some as you must cut yourself from time to time doing the sort of work you do.
Luckily, if I bleed, I don't bleed too much, but a friend of Wifey's who is on Warfarin or summat, nearly bled to death two days ago, from a small cut on her foot.:eek::eek::eek:

Yer its more of a ass covering thing, ive had cuts ect but just use mitre mate lol it nips for a min
but it stops the bleeding. She should get the medical glue in case it happens again.
I have found that I bruise more since taking the tabs an blood tests every 6 months.

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