We should start a little club!!!

I don’t have a problem but.........


British military pocket knives

From the top - Boer war, ww1 naval, ww1 army, ww2 naval, ww2 army, modern stainless and standing on its point- SOE special one. Just part of a small collection. I had another 60/70 more but sold a lot on:rolleyes:
I really know what you are talking about re the paperwork too. The officials will be very happy with you, as you won't be fecking around with a dead phone etc. Or running back and forth trying to find bits.
The very best of luck with the trip mate. Hope all goes as well as it can!!;):):):)

Yes as much as they are on the phone its sometime easier to just say here are all the papers you need:).

Now I have to bite my tongue at security after walking past many signs that say " you cannot carry this" and "get ready" they still have to hold up the queue with going back and forward a couple of times:rolleyes:.

I will be asleep before takeoff in row 1:p Hope there's no feckwits that will wake me from me slumber:D.

Got me sil's window frame tweaked, glass fitted, glazing beads popped back in and side fascias tailored and installed. Just got the sealant to run round a few edges, and mortar to gob up under the sill. But ----- nowhere around here has got any sea ment :eek:. Apparently there's a worldwide shortage of sea ment. (But got a place I can try on saturday (the day after tomorrow for you workers).
Got me sil's window frame tweaked, glass fitted, glazing beads popped back in and side fascias tailored and installed. Just got the sealant to run round a few edges, and mortar to gob up under the sill. But ----- nowhere around here has got any sea ment :eek:. Apparently there's a worldwide shortage of sea ment. (But got a place I can try on saturday (the day after tomorrow for you workers).

Plenty sea-ment here if you want to pop over and pick up a bag:)
Heavy old stuff aint it, wood? Take it it is seasoned hardwood.
how long will that last you?:):):):)
Yes, a mix of Ash, Oak, Sycamore and Hornbeam. Its a fair old weight. :) As we have full central heating it gets used more on really cold days/nights Autumn/Winter to add a touch of cheer in the dull afternoon's evenings.
I reckon this will last most of the winter. There are 4 "Rows" I can stack floor to ceiling in the little woodshed as it has a max height internally of <5-feet. a width of 4 feet and a depth of 5 feet.
I still had one complete row left over from last year's wood. The main online sellers import wood and 1Metre is about £149. This is a local chap and the 1M was £95.
The nubile lady next door (honestly, I really Would ;) ) asked me what wood it was and looked puzzled when I told her I thought it was "Nudity Wood".
I explained that whenever I lit the fire on a cold evening my wife usually found it so pleasantly warm she took all her clothes off and lay on the rug. Talk about "blush". She did laugh though.:D
I read somewhere (yesterday) that the guvmint is to ban the installation of all new gas boilers from 2035 here in the uk. Won't bother me, by then I'll be somewhere quite warm for the rest of eternity :oops:

All I can say is the grubiment better get their act together then if they want to heat all wif electrickery.

What date you booking your eternity party for? I could put it in me diary now:D.


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