I had better shut up about 34", it may be upsetting you!:(:(:(:(
You carry on my friend, I am happy with both my weight and my size. I am not going to die hungry that's for sure! Right up until I became sick I was a similar size and weight as you. Now it is an indicator, if I start to lose weight I know my liver has finally failed and I am on the way out :)
Actually started doing some work in the utility room today.:)
Made Wifey very happy to see some actual progress in there. ;)
Think I've just about got enough tiles to do a splashback thing 5 tiles high. I calculated I need about 87 and I have 98 full ones!:eek: (200 by 100 if anyone is interested).
Only need to move one light switch. :):):)
But I have left my nice electric tile cutter in France, on purpose, "vino oblige", and also I do need it over there. Don't think I can justify buying another one so I'll have to manage with a normal hand slidey type one and a blade or grindstone in my smallish angle-grinder. Not used to that!
Think i'm off to kip now.
Sleep well folks, see yez tomoz!

I bloody dont believe it..ive just given an electric tile cutter away :(:(
Why does that always happen, you keep stuff for yonks & then when you decide to chuck
it or give it away someone needs it. :confused:
Morning all its cat n dogs here :(
Im off for a soaking I hope yous have better weather than us.
I went to my bed early before 10 :eek: I was done in I did manage to remove the
tranny out the fender without a jack.(quite heavy them fings lying on yer back)
Seal kit ordered for the spare tranny.

Have a wonderful day. :):)
I bloody dont believe it..ive just given an electric tile cutter away :(:(
Why does that always happen, you keep stuff for yonks & then when you decide to chuck
it or give it away someone needs it. :confused:
Sadly i do believe it. I get my fair share of luck sometimes but then at others either someone breaks down that I could help, but I am miles away, or, like now, a mate has just got rid of something not knowing I was just about to go looking for one.
Maybe it is time to go looking on Freecycle!

A French pal had a fantastic old Merc, best for miles around always serviced by Mercedes etc etc. He had offer after offer for it. I'd have had it off him.
Just after we left last year he took it in to be told his diff was about to pack up and it'd fail it's French MOT(?).
So I'd have changed it for him if I'd been there. Looked it all up, piece of p!ss. But he didn't want to pay Mercedes to do it! So he flogged it to a bloke who was looking for one for spares, who then decided to keep it and use his original for spares.
If Fecking Mercedes had done the servicing properly, it'd never have happened cos he didn't drive it like a tw@t. Which I did point out to him. So what's he done? Bought yet another Merc!

But you can't block your house and garage etc up with stuff just in case others want it. I get told off about this all the time, and it's true I often can't get things done due to lack of room. Mind you Wifey buys stuff, shoves it somewhere then it never sees the light of day!
Hey Ho!:):):)
Morning all its cat n dogs here :(
Im off for a soaking I hope yous have better weather than us.
I went to my bed early before 10 :eek: I was done in I did manage to remove the
tranny out the fender without a jack.
(quite heavy them fings lying on yer back)
Seal kit ordered for the spare tranny.

Have a wonderful day. :):)
I knew a fat bloke who used to be a roadside mechanic. When he had to take a gearbox off, he lay underneath it and using his legs and feet as well as his hands, he lowered it onto his gut, then rolled it over gently onto the floor!
But a LR one with a tranny box on? Or did you do them separately?
anyway, well done mate!!:):):)
A bit of a wild night and it is still blowing in gusts - with just the odd light shower for good measure.:)
Still no diesel around anywhere that I can find.:( Most stations open and serving without queues but only petrol. It looks as if I am going to abandoned any plans to go out and just save what diesel I have in order to make it home on Sunday. I had thought of lots of things that could go wrong on this trip out but fuel shortage was not one of them.:rolleyes:
I hope you all have a good day, the sun is just coming out here as I write. :)
I went to get a few 'bits' from the little supermarket tin the nearest village to where I am staying …….. petrol station open. no queues and all grades of fuel on offer. :) My tank is now full and my bank account nearly empty but I can now move about and get home on Sunday. I am a happy and much relieved bunny as things were beginning to look a bit dodgy :(:(:(:(.

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