You're very welcome to come and help install my hefty 4800 & 3800 x 200 x 100 Siberian larch sleepers...and next week when the 6m & 4m x 200 x 100's arrive, they need to be carried through to rear garden. They only weigh 100kg each :eek::D

Have two spare 5ltr cans of unleaded too...;)

I have a couple of them too 4.8 x 300x300 Im going to use them for a balcony & raised decking
at the rear probably next year after or if I get planning for my garage.
Guid afternoon

So seems I will be offered a Project Mangers job, Staff position, great salary, medical and dental insurance, car allowance not that I will need it as its just a 10 minute walk to the office.
Contract is going thro internal approval so should see it next week for my consideration. Mmm should I take it or not ?

Anyway busy day, back at summerhouse made a 2 step stair and sunk slabs in grass, wifey gave me £200 and a bottle of Jura, good lass.

Re fitted bumper to Defender after repainting.

Will finish day off with a visit to the gym.
View attachment 249148

Havin a wee dram the nite laddy :D Nice head lamp protectors too. :cool:
Bumper looks nice. ;)
Caught up wif me likes, all roof slates are on yippee.
Jobs to finish...slate inside the balcony walls,bit of guttering,ridge capping to fit, sand down
the grp on the balcony floor & gel wash/then paint. Epoxy pointing in the chimney breasts.
Then week to repoint the gable end. Sounds a lot but its not really. o_O:D
They are not asking for more money. It is my solicitor who has ignored their solicitors messages and caused the problem. With the stamp duty holiday ending tomorrow, they cannot action it until Friday. Not a problem as the place we are buying carries little duty but the storage costs are mounting up!
Sounds like you could have a case for compensation for the expense of not being able to move in against your own solicitor!
But I don't imagine you could be bothered to go for it. There comes a point when life is too short!
But your sellers will be well fecked off if they have missed the stamp duty holiday.
Suddenly feel sorry for them!:(:(:(:(
I've got one of those clocks and my g*d isn't it accurate.:) If it's efforts fail to rouse me it goes to get the big un and he jumps up to prod me with two forceful feet - when his job is done and I am well awake, he goes back to bed and will not stir until 9am. :rolleyes: Just where did I go wrong????
You have two lovely dogs that you love and who love you.
you've done nothing wrong at all!:):):):):)
Who ate all the pies Stanleysteamer ?
If only!
I've been on more or less a permanent diet of sorts since I came back from my year in France when i was 23! Sadly it is in my genes, and my jeans! You should see my brother. He creates an eclipse walking down the road.
However I held my breath and got on the scales today. 85.9 kgs, so I have somehow lost a bit!
I am determined to do more exercise, rather than just trying to eat less!
Weird, as last week our Cherbourg friends insisted on my eating three biggish meals every day!:confused::confused::confused:
Guid afternoon

So seems I will be offered a Project Mangers job, Staff position, great salary, medical and dental insurance, car allowance not that I will need it as its just a 10 minute walk to the office.
Contract is going thro internal approval so should see it next week for my consideration. Mmm should I take it or not ?

Anyway busy day, back at summerhouse made a 2 step stair and sunk slabs in grass, wifey gave me £200 and a bottle of Jura, good lass.

Re fitted bumper to Defender after repainting.

Will finish day off with a visit to the gym.
View attachment 249148
All sounds very positive! Good on you mate!:):):):)
..that today I am mainly having a black-dog day.
No idea why, I just am.
Alcohol may be consumed as a result (always helps (NOT).
All I can say is FÜCKITALL. :)
Oh dear.
Only liked it cos it's the roolz.
Have you tried doing one of your fitness binges? they say endorphins help.
but i wouldn't be surprised if it is to do with your cervical vertebrae problem.
All the best mate.
Had a bit of this a month or so back and I haven't had it since i was a teenager. So lots of sympathy.;):)
That's certainly not what it feels like at some unearthly o'clock every morning. :(
I know what you mean. Ours vary between 2 a.m., 4:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m.
I keep thinking I've got them into a pattern. sometimes they go through the whole night. We know they CAN do this as they do it every time we take a ferry. But if I leave them no water, they bother us to fill it up. Then of course they have to get rid of it, or to be accurate the youngest one does.
I experiment with exactly how much water I leave them.
The things you do with dogs, eh?!!
They are getting trimmed tomoz, finally. They'll look as if they have been on a crash diet!
Love em to bits though!:):):):)
The same height as you just a lot rounder!!
Well I'd say that gives me hope, in a weird sort of way.
I've just ordered a pair of jeans and a pair of cords, both with expandable waists. The Wifey insisted as otherwise I only wear work pants where 34" is well very generous, compared to my other 34" trews which cut me in half!!
I had better shut up about 34", it may be upsetting you!:(:(:(:(
Actually started doing some work in the utility room today.:)
Made Wifey very happy to see some actual progress in there. ;)
Think I've just about got enough tiles to do a splashback thing 5 tiles high. I calculated I need about 87 and I have 98 full ones!:eek: (200 by 100 if anyone is interested).
Only need to move one light switch. :):):)
But I have left my nice electric tile cutter in France, on purpose, "vino oblige", and also I do need it over there. Don't think I can justify buying another one so I'll have to manage with a normal hand slidey type one and a blade or grindstone in my smallish angle-grinder. Not used to that!
Think i'm off to kip now.
Sleep well folks, see yez tomoz!

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