Just seen a pic of a good looking Peugot. First time since the 205 GTI


Not enough right angles, flat panels and boxy shape to be good looking. Must be something wrong with your eyes :p
Me dottir an me Dad has a fing goin on. He dunt contact me, I dunt care. She dunt contact me, she dunt care, so I dunt care. Am cross wif the pair of em, he a master bricky, metal worker an genral doer wif lots of family history to share, she a brilliant young mind with so much in store. I've tried, but both are just bloody ornery. Shame. :(
Liked this but only cos it's the rules.
We fell out with son for years, the day Princess Di got killed it struck him life is too short, so he came over and actually apologised for being a tool. since then things have been much better.

So wishing you hopefully a return to normal in the future. While realising it may not happen.
(I never spoke to my mother even when I knew she was dying of cancer, doc told us she had longer to live than she did, I gave it too long before making the effort. Life really can be too short.)
Just watched the first two episodes of Vigil on catch up.
So many holes in the verisimilitude!!!!!
If the sub had that many it'd have sunk long ago,
Also funny watching Sean doodah's accent slip from slight Liverpudlian to Endeavour and back. Knowing his real accent is thick scouse.
But it's OK, makes a change.

By the way, talking boats, on the ferry back there were 5 Frog armed guards. and I mean armed, assault rifles anorl.
Never seen that before and no one mentioned it. Very weird. Wonder if some of the "bruvvas" in France had threatened to take over a ferry?
Sleep tite folks!:):):):)
Me dottir an me Dad has a fing goin on. He dunt contact me, I dunt care. She dunt contact me, she dunt care, so I dunt care. Am cross wif the pair of em, he a master bricky, metal worker an genral doer wif lots of family history to share, she a brilliant young mind with so much in store. I've tried, but both are just bloody ornery. Shame. :(
It is a shame, they will only realise far too late. Having said that, I have three brothers I will not talk to, so I am just as bad!
Well I’ve been nipped by Brexit. 3x Velux windows ordered from Denmark 3 months ago and they haven’t turned up yet. Fortunately there is still one available from another job and that’s getting fitted now. Mrs not happy as it delays the refurb of the first floor :D

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